“It’s a Wonderful Life” coming to Sunset Playhouse
In his final show, Mark Salentine reimagines the iconic story of George Bailey to creat a touching, but not overly sentimental, holiday experience.
Nov 20th, 2010 by Peggy Sue DuniganA new twist on an old tale at First Stage Children’s Theater
My Son Pinocchio revisits a timely holiday theme, centered around the blessings received through joy, love and sharing family.
Nov 20th, 2010 by Peggy Sue DuniganTheatre Gigante’s The Lears explores growing old in America
Whether Lear is the king or just dear old dad -- what to do with him as the end draws near?
Nov 19th, 2010 by Michael BarndtPerforming Arts
There's plenty of holiday cheer to go around on Milwaukee stages this season! TCD's guide to some of the city's best holiday-themed performances.
Nov 19th, 2010 by Third Coast DailyImprov is for everybody
Two high school students find their creative salvation on the stage and struggle to be taken seriously - as teenagers and in the world of high art theatre.
Nov 18th, 2010 by Mark MetcalfSkylight Holiday Cruise for “H.M.S. Pinafore”
A Gilbert & Sullivan favorite with a few new wrinkles.
Nov 17th, 2010 by Tom StriniLiberace reborn, at The Rep’s Stackner Cabaret
Jack Forbes Wilson's portrayal of the pianist-entertainer opens Sunday.
Nov 17th, 2010 by Paul MastersonA big theater week
Four theater offerings open, two more continue, the MSO keeps busy and Present Music upholds its Thanksgiving tradition.
Nov 16th, 2010 by Tom StriniUnique, intimate, intense
The Best Western's room 902 is the setting for Stephen Belber's play about sex and perception.
Nov 14th, 2010 by Matthew ReddinPink Banana’s “Tape” checks into the Downtown Best Western
Milwaukee theater company stages a play set in a hotel room in a real hotel room.
Nov 6th, 2010 by Tom StriniA very subdued “Young Frankenstein”
For those who loved the Mel Brooks film, watching the musical can become a game of "listen for the famous line."
Nov 3rd, 2010 by Brian JacobsonSoulstice takes on “The Foreigner”
Playwright Larry Shue died in 1985, but his plays live on in Milwaukee. The Soulstice Theatre has takes on his hit comedy -- and its baggage.
Nov 1st, 2010 by Peggy Sue Dunigan