
A Skylight prediction

A Skylight prediction

Will all the strife and embarrassing press ruin the Skylight's season? No. Strini tells you why.

Dillner Out at the Skylight

Dillner Out at the Skylight

Managing director Eric Dillner, the center of controversy since artistic director Bill Theisen was fired, has resigned.

Ten tap dancing Cleopatras is quite a sight

Ten tap dancing Cleopatras is quite a sight

A review of Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat, now showing for Soulstice Theatre

Threats of violence in the Skylight mess?

Threats of violence in the Skylight mess?

Skylight management has maintained that artists have threatened managing director Eric Dillner. Is there anything to it?

On Stage with TCD: Highlights from 8/7 to 8/13 (Updated)
On Stage with TCD

Highlights from 8/7 to 8/13 (Updated)

It's muggy, and the performing arts world gets a little crazy--crazier than usual--as a month-long Phantom of the Opera rolls in, the surreal Missoula Oblongata arrives, and a full-on puppet parade. Includes footnotes of Milwaukee auditions, news, and more.

Review: FAME at Sunset Playhouse

FAME at Sunset Playhouse

Before there was American Idol, Making the Band, High School Musical and other insights into becoming a star -- there was the 1980 ensemble docudrama about New York's High School for the Performing Arts. Now it's a new musical.

A new space, a punk populist spirit, and hot vocalists

A new space, a punk populist spirit, and hot vocalists

The Florentine is getting ready to open up new rehearsal digs, is in the midst of a popular lakefront program, and is getting ready to open themselves up to the "old" punk spirit of opera.

Review: “God Bridge” by Youngblood Theatre

“God Bridge” by Youngblood Theatre

Youngblood finishes its summer season with an intriguing, absurdist original work that shows off acting chops.

Sneak Preview: As Bees in Honey Drown at Boulevard Theatre
Sneak Preview

As Bees in Honey Drown at Boulevard Theatre

Boulevard opens its 24th season with the Milwaukee premiere of New York playwright Douglas Carter Beane's 1997 award-winning comedy satire.

Review: RENT at Greendale Community Theatre

RENT at Greendale Community Theatre

A local staging of RENT rises to the challenge

On Stage with TCD: July 28 – August 3
On Stage with TCD

July 28 – August 3

What's the bigger opener this weekend: the world-influencing Emergence by Milwaukee Ballet, or Cats (not the broadway musical but actual performing felines) at Alchemist?

Skylight: Dispatches from Catalano Square

Dispatches from Catalano Square

At 8 a.m., 70+ concerned Skylight supporters gathered in Catalano Square. At 9, a beleaguered Eric Dillner and interim board president Terry Kurtenbach came out to face them.