Tainted Water

Tainted Water: Fecal Microbes In 60% of Sampled Wells
Tainted Water

Fecal Microbes In 60% of Sampled Wells

Tests show waste from Kewaunee County’s 97,000 cattle contaminates majority of wells.

Tainted Water: State’s Failures On Lead Pipes
Tainted Water

State’s Failures On Lead Pipes

Legislature misses chance to take action, state cuts funding that helps protect kids.

Tainted Water: Lax Rules Expose Kids To Lead-Tainted Water
Tainted Water

Lax Rules Expose Kids To Lead-Tainted Water

Gaps in federal drinking standards leave schools and day care centers untested.

Tainted Water: DNR Program Replaces Lead Laterals
Tainted Water

DNR Program Replaces Lead Laterals

$14.5 million goes for schools, day care centers in “disadvantaged communities.”

Tainted Water: DNR Delays on Lead Poisoning Issue
Tainted Water

DNR Delays on Lead Poisoning Issue

State officials fail to update lead testing guidance in wake of Flint crisis.

Tainted Water: Law Doesn’t Protect Water From Pesticides
Tainted Water

Law Doesn’t Protect Water From Pesticides

Despited “strict” state law, one-third of private drinking wells are contaminated.

Tainted Water: Action Needed on Lead in Drinking Water
Tainted Water

Action Needed on Lead in Drinking Water

City and DNR officials agree on need, Barrett says current approach just a “band-aid.”

Tainted Water: Water Woes Big Issue in Fall Elections
Tainted Water

Water Woes Big Issue in Fall Elections

Water pollution hotly debated in key legislative races and Feingold vs Johnson.

Tainted Water: Human Waste Pollutes State Drinking Water
Tainted Water

Human Waste Pollutes State Drinking Water

Problem often caused by septic systems; Tougher laws needed, experts say.

Tainted Water: Bacteria Taints State’s Drinking Water
Tainted Water

Bacteria Taints State’s Drinking Water

169,00 households served by private wells that tested positive for coliform bacteria.

Tainted Water: State Program Targets Aging Lead Pipes
Tainted Water

State Program Targets Aging Lead Pipes

DNR will lead $11.8 million program using federal EPA funds.

Tainted Water: Two State Prisons Have Lead-Tainted Water
Tainted Water

Two State Prisons Have Lead-Tainted Water

Officials say they comply with federal drinking water standards, but others question whether it’s safe.