Catch Monie in the Middle Tonight
Hip-Hop originator Monie Love drops by the UWM Union Fireside Lounge Tuesday Night.
May 3rd, 2010 by FanBeltMilwaukeePezzettino Goes to Camp (aka Brooklyn)
Milwaukee's most polarizing accordionist heads for the big city after a farewell performance at the Eagle's Nest Saturday.
Apr 29th, 2010 by DJ HostettlerDiversity in the Workplace
Local metal thrashers Architects of the Aftermath release a new CD on Saturday at Club Garibaldi.
Apr 29th, 2010 by Brian WhitneyMilwaukee Record Store Day
Abbie's rundown of the 2010 Milwaukee Record Store Day happenings.
Apr 16th, 2010 by Abbie AmadioJoin Fan-Belt at the Cactus Club Friday
Shamelessly promoting a show with our name on it. Fair and Balanced.
Apr 8th, 2010 by FanBeltMilwaukeeThe Dark Clan invades Club Anything
Milwaukee’s Dark Clan, Washington DC’s Xuberx and local musician Bradley play Friday night at Club Anything, 807 South 5th Street in Milwaukee at 9 p.m.
Mar 12th, 2010 by Kathy NicholsThere You Go, white, wrench, conservatory
February kicked their teeth in. DJ says goodbye to a soon-to-be-lamented Milwaukee band.
Feb 12th, 2010 by DJ HostettlerFather Phoenix Set to Fly Out of Milwaukee
Father Phoenix call it a day.
Dec 23rd, 2009 by FanBeltMilwaukeeSTNNNG Want to Climb Your Women
The Minneapolis chaos-rockers storm Club G.
Dec 19th, 2009 by FanBeltMilwaukeeSimone Ferro’s Danceworks show
Simone Ferro, of the UWM dance factory, goes home to Brazil for inspiration and home to Milwaukee for collaborators.
Oct 28th, 2009 by Tom Strini