
Classical: Bel Canto Chorus Offers Sad But Beautiful Fare

Bel Canto Chorus Offers Sad But Beautiful Fare

Including a choral masterpiece of the 20th century.

Classical: Welcome to the 21st Century

Welcome to the 21st Century

Milwaukee Musaik performs four works by four contemporary composers.

Classical: Let Us Now Hear From the Baryton

Let Us Now Hear From the Baryton

Valencia Baryton Project performs works written by Haydn for once fashionable string instrument similar to viol.

Classical: Prometheus Performs Pulitzer Winning Composer

Prometheus Performs Pulitzer Winning Composer

Along with a work by Schubert. He's pretty good, too.

Classical: Moby Dick to Land in Milwaukee

Moby Dick to Land in Milwaukee

Present Music will present new silent film and orchestral score inspired by Melville novel.

Classical: A Musical Trip to Western Europe

A Musical Trip to Western Europe

Philomusica Quartet will perform works by Beethoven, Bazzini and Ravel.

Classical: ModernMedieval Voices Performs Music by Hildegard of Bingen

ModernMedieval Voices Performs Music by Hildegard of Bingen

She created more works than any composer of the Middle Ages.

Classical: Romantic Works With Stunning Lake Views

Romantic Works With Stunning Lake Views

Jan 12 concert at Villa Terrace presents works for piano and cello by Chopin and Rachmaninoff.

Classical: Chant Claire Offers First Concert at Downtown Church Since 2018 Fire

Chant Claire Offers First Concert at Downtown Church Since 2018 Fire

Performing Bach at not-fully-reconstructed Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church.

Classical: Prometheus Trio Concert Is a Family Affair

Prometheus Trio Concert Is a Family Affair

Father, mother and daughter perform Beethoven, Brahms and Gabriela Lena Frank.

Classical: Present Music Blends Many Cultures

Present Music Blends Many Cultures

Sunday's annual Thanksgiving concert brings a world of music to Milwaukee.

Classical: Music That’s ‘500 Years in the Making’

Music That’s ‘500 Years in the Making’

Early Music Now's guest performers Anne Azéma and Shira Kammen revivify Medieval, Saxon-flavored words and music.