
Op Ed: 8 Ways to Reform Health Care System
Op Ed

8 Ways to Reform Health Care System

Including breaking up the big medical care monoliths.

Op Ed: Why Bipartisan Expungement Bill Needed
Op Ed

Why Bipartisan Expungement Bill Needed

Current law makes it complicated and costly to clear your criminal record.

Op Ed: We Energies’ Rate Hike Falls Hardest on Poor and Minorities
Op Ed

We Energies’ Rate Hike Falls Hardest on Poor and Minorities

PSC wrongly approves price gouging that will increase income disparities in Wisconsin.

Op Ed: Kaul Should Charge Ron Johnson, 10 Fake Electors
Op Ed

Kaul Should Charge Ron Johnson, 10 Fake Electors

Illegal efforts to overturn 2020 election should be prosecuted by Attorney General.

Op Ed: State Republican Chair Wants It Both Ways On Trump
Op Ed

State Republican Chair Wants It Both Ways On Trump

Trying to unite the party's Trump lovers and haters won't be easy nor morally palatable.

Op Ed: State’s ‘Bounceback Grants’ a Model for Success
Op Ed

State’s ‘Bounceback Grants’ a Model for Success

Using federal funds to give $10,000 grants to nearly 7,800 businesses in all 72 counties.

Op Ed: How Ascension Stole Christmas
Op Ed

How Ascension Stole Christmas

Shutting down Labor and Delivery Unit at St. Francis Hospital shows disregard for patients and staff.

Op Ed: Anonymous Legislator Undermining State Stewardship Fund
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Anonymous Legislator Undermining State Stewardship Fund

More than a dozen times, initiatives to protect invaluable natural areas were killed.

Op Ed: How State Supreme Court Races Got So Partisan
Op Ed

How State Supreme Court Races Got So Partisan

Outside groups spent $27,000 on 2003 race. By 2020 that rose to $5 million.

Op Ed: Stop the Hospital Merger Mania
Op Ed

Stop the Hospital Merger Mania

Mergers hike prices and corporate pay, lower quality. The Aurora Advocate merger with Atrium will do all three.

Op Ed: How Should State Spend $6.6 Billion Surplus
Op Ed

How Should State Spend $6.6 Billion Surplus

Evers and Legislature could have fun -- and improve the state.

Op Ed: The War Over Democracy Isn’t Over
Op Ed

The War Over Democracy Isn’t Over

Both nationally and in Wisconsin there will be more attempts to undermine elections.