Murphy’s Law

Murphy’s Law: Stealth Conservatives
Murphy’s Law

Stealth Conservatives

Bradley-funded think tank changes its polls and subsidizes Journal Sentinel’s right-wing columnist.

Murphy’s Law: The public is “understandably horrified.”
Murphy’s Law

The public is “understandably horrified.”

Chief Flynn frankly discusses the death of Derek Williams in police custody.

Murphy’s Law: Should Chief Flynn Resign?
Murphy’s Law

Should Chief Flynn Resign?

The city is divided over the chief. But is it all his fault?

Murphy’s Law: Journal Sentinel Swallows GOP Propaganda
Murphy’s Law

Journal Sentinel Swallows GOP Propaganda

It was the nation’s only daily newspaper to fall for an anti-Obama business "survey."

Murphy’s Law: Why Romney Can’t Win Wisconsin
Murphy’s Law

Why Romney Can’t Win Wisconsin

Romney's misunderstanding of the Republican base could kill him.

Murphy’s Law: The Mighty County Board
Murphy’s Law

The Mighty County Board

A doormat a decade ago, the board is now far more powerful -- much to Chris Abele’s chagrin.

Murphy’s Law: The Six Wives of Edo de Waart
Murphy’s Law

The Six Wives of Edo de Waart

Little old Milwaukee seems to have the most continental conductor in the world.

Murphy’s Law: The Latest Journal Sentinel Purge
Murphy’s Law

The Latest Journal Sentinel Purge

Some big names could be leaving the ever-shrinking newspaper.

Murphy’s Law: Did Republicans Blow It?
Murphy’s Law

Did Republicans Blow It?

The court decision striking down collective bargaining law exposes obvious constitutional problems with it.

Murphy’s Law: Rich Park, Poor Park
Murphy’s Law

Rich Park, Poor Park

Milwaukee County Parks is increasingly a two-tier system, with the worst maintained parks in poor areas.

Murphy’s Law: Capital Sex Scandal
Murphy’s Law

Capital Sex Scandal

Strange but true: Star member of Gov. Walker’s cabinet is accused of an affair that led to attempted murder.

Murphy’s Law: Can Tammy Beat Tommy?
Murphy’s Law

Can Tammy Beat Tommy?

She wouldn’t have a chance against the old Tommy, but the newer edition could be beat.