What plays right off the screen and into your lap is Paris, youth, sex and romance -the energy of fear and throwing it all away - and doing it all with style.
Sep 25th, 2010 by Mark MetcalfBring on the shorts!
Short films, that is. MFF'10 offers up seven shorts programs, chock full of wacky characters and animated hilarity you just won't find anywhere else.
Sep 24th, 2010 by Mark MetcalfAu Revoir Taipei
Au Revoir Taipei is not a crime caper, and it is not a romantic comedy, but something far more earnest than either of those two genres have produced.
Sep 24th, 2010 by Ryan FindleyThe Art of the Steal
A disturbing, complex story documenting the art heist of the century -- and the darker side of the art establishment.
Sep 23rd, 2010 by Valerie J. ChristellCurtain Up
Tragedy, romance, action, comedy and visually stunning documentary film - it's all part of the Milwaukee Film Festival, and it all begins tonight!
Sep 23rd, 2010 by Mark MetcalfMF’10 is almost here. And we’re there.
The 2nd annual Milwaukee Film Festival rolls out the red carpet tomorrow. TCD will cover it daily, with previews, reviews and lots of pictures and video
Sep 22nd, 2010 by Jon Anne WillowIrreversible
To say that this film is shocking and disturbing would be an understatement. It is also stunning, brilliant and one of the most compelling films I've seen.
Sep 19th, 2010 by Mark MetcalfTake One
Mark and Milwaukee Film intern Jessica Farrell offer their picks for Take One and discuss how every detail counts when creating a successful film festival.
Sep 16th, 2010 by Mark MetcalfBruce Connor at INOVA
The current exhibition at Inova/Kenilworth isn’t so much a retrospective as it is an illustrative cross-section of themes and interests of Conner's career.
Sep 13th, 2010 by Kat MurrellSubtle film rewards attention
The shrines of Lourdes supposedly have the power to heal the sick. But the film ultimately is about how people react to the fortune, and misfortune, of others.
Sep 11th, 2010 by Brian WhitneyThe backbone of the festival
The staff at Milwaukee Film put a lot of hard work into the film festival, but it simply wouldn't run without the aid of dedicated volunteers.
Sep 9th, 2010 by Mark MetcalfMilwaukee Film spreads its love all over
As the Milwaukee Film Festival 2010 lineup is unveiled, expect to laugh, cry, cringe - and travel a little.
Sep 4th, 2010 by Jon Anne Willow