Data Wonk

Data Wonk: Why Is Trump Targeting Veterans?
Data Wonk

Why Is Trump Targeting Veterans?

Trump/Musk cuts hurt a popular government program and many workers who back MAGA.

Data Wonk: How Vulnerable Is Wisconsin to Federal Firings?
Data Wonk

How Vulnerable Is Wisconsin to Federal Firings?

State has 30,000 federal employees. And many state workers in federally funded agencies.

Data Wonk: How Fair Are Wisconsin’s Taxes?
Data Wonk

How Fair Are Wisconsin’s Taxes?

The wealthy pay a lower percent of their income in taxes. Evers proposal addresses this.

Data Wonk: The Myth of Immigrant Violence
Data Wonk

The Myth of Immigrant Violence

Neighborhoods with Hispanic immigrants actually have lower rates of violent crime.

Data Wonk: How Much Did New State Legislative Districts Change?
Data Wonk

How Much Did New State Legislative Districts Change?

Much closer results, far less gerrymandered despite increasing polarization.

Data Wonk: Crime, Trump’s Claims and The Facts
Data Wonk

Crime, Trump’s Claims and The Facts

Has the crime rate gone up or down in Milwaukee and nationally?

Data Wonk: Why People Live Longer in Some States
Data Wonk

Why People Live Longer in Some States

The differences between Wisconsin and states like Mississippi.

Data Wonk: Did Act 10 Improve Wisconsin’s Economy?
Data Wonk

Did Act 10 Improve Wisconsin’s Economy?

Scott Walker fell far short of his promises and behind some neighboring states.

Data Wonk: How Fair Are Wisconsin’s Taxes?
Data Wonk

How Fair Are Wisconsin’s Taxes?

And how will they be affected by Trump tax cuts?

Data Wonk: Is Raising the Minimum Wage Good Policy?
Data Wonk

Is Raising the Minimum Wage Good Policy?

Or just good politics? Let's consider the data for both.

Data Wonk: What the 2024 Election Tells Us About Wisconsin Voters
Data Wonk

What the 2024 Election Tells Us About Wisconsin Voters

Wisconsin was the most competitive state in America. Which issues mattered?

Data Wonk: What Kind of Economy Will Trump Inherit?
Data Wonk

What Kind of Economy Will Trump Inherit?

Across the board the numbers all tell a similar story.