Public Safety

MKE County: County Invests in Mental Health Crisis Responders
MKE County

County Invests in Mental Health Crisis Responders

$500,000 for a team of Sheriff's deputies and psychiatric clinicians.

Op Ed: Action Needed on Reckless Driving
Op Ed

Action Needed on Reckless Driving

Time is of the essence. Task force submitted report in June. City officials must act.

2/3rds of State’s Fire Departments Stock Foam With PFAS

2/3rds of State’s Fire Departments Stock Foam With PFAS

More than half have used the firefighting foam that contains the harmful substance.

City Hall: 120 Officer Cut May Be Just The Beginning
City Hall

120 Officer Cut May Be Just The Beginning

The Milwaukee Police Department will have fewer officers in 2021, but the question is how many?

Officer Accused Of Reckless Homicide Resigns

Officer Accused Of Reckless Homicide Resigns

Michael Mattioli pleaded not guilty yesterday in death of Joel Acevedo and has resigned from police department.

Task Force Seeks Bipartisan Policing Reform

Task Force Seeks Bipartisan Policing Reform

And racial equity reforms. Will begin meeting in fall, propose legislative bills by next year.

Court Watch: Judge’s Comments on Guns Sustained
Court Watch

Judge’s Comments on Guns Sustained

Defendant claims Judge Donald’s sentencing shows bias against gun owners, Appeals Court upholds judge.

Jacob Blake Speaks from Hospital Bed

Jacob Blake Speaks from Hospital Bed

“Nothing but pain,” but “stick together… Change your lives out there."

Did Kenosha Cops Push Protesters Toward Militia?

Did Kenosha Cops Push Protesters Toward Militia?

So says militia member after two people killed by armed civilian. Pattern seen in other cities.

Op Ed: No Equality Without Specific Solutions
Op Ed

No Equality Without Specific Solutions

Yes, we need better policing and more opportunities for Black Americans. But how do we get there?

Missouri Men Arrested in Kenosha for Illegal Guns

Missouri Men Arrested in Kenosha for Illegal Guns

Two men traveled to Kenosha, illegally armed, in response to unrest.

Tosa PD Won’t Investigate Racist Mailings

Tosa PD Won’t Investigate Racist Mailings

'Whites for Wauwatosa' letter does not rise to level of police action, PD says.