
Op-Ed: Why Eliminate Electoral College?

Why Eliminate Electoral College?

Because it would grow campaign map, forcing candidates to campaign in more states.

Op-Ed: How to Replace Obamacare

How to Replace Obamacare

Here’s a blueprint for a GOP health care plan with seven key ingredients.

Campaign Cash: Five States Vote for Democratic Reforms
Campaign Cash

Five States Vote for Democratic Reforms

Including ranked choice voting (Maine) and credit program to publicly finance candidates (South Dakota).

Murphy’s Law: An “Epidemic” of Voter Suppression
Murphy’s Law

An “Epidemic” of Voter Suppression

Experts say it's a massive problem in the state and may have swung election nationally.

Medicare’s Big Rise in Drug Prescriptions

Medicare’s Big Rise in Drug Prescriptions

41 medical professionals prescribed more than $5 million. Wisconsin high for opioids.

Op-Ed: Voters Support Increase in Minimum Wage

Voters Support Increase in Minimum Wage

Will Trump support workers with hike in federal minimum?

Data Wonk: Trump’s Politics of Pessimism
Data Wonk

Trump’s Politics of Pessimism

The data show his supporters are very pessimistic. How will he meet their needs?

Campaign Cash: NRA Arms Republicans With $3.6 Million
Campaign Cash

NRA Arms Republicans With $3.6 Million

Walker and 44 legislators (just one Democrat) have gained that in campaign donations.

Campaign Cash: 18 Referendums Opposed Citizens United
Campaign Cash

18 Referendums Opposed Citizens United

96 communities in state have now voted to overturn court ruling allowing corporate donations.

Murphy’s Law: Why Schools Are Increasingly Unequal
Murphy’s Law

Why Schools Are Increasingly Unequal

Act 10 and era of school referendums causes bigger gap between haves and have nots.

Revenge of the Forgotten Class

Revenge of the Forgotten Class

Clinton and the Democrats wrote off white workers in Rust Belt states like Wisconsin.

Op-Ed: Can Trump Govern?

Can Trump Govern?

Can the draft dodger, debt welcher, business bankrupter and philanderer actually lead?