
City Hall: Council Closes Junior’s Cocktail Lounge
City Hall

Council Closes Junior’s Cocktail Lounge

After 22 police calls, $26,500 in COVID-19 fines and many neighbor complaints, council votes to shut down bar.

State Tourism Business Down 30% in 2020

State Tourism Business Down 30% in 2020

Due to pandemic. Officials hopeful about rebound in spending in 2021.

Op Ed: Push To Change City Attorney Office Resisted
Op Ed

Push To Change City Attorney Office Resisted

'I have been forced to defend myself against specious personnel complaints.'

Tom Nelson Wrote Book on Union Struggles

Tom Nelson Wrote Book on Union Struggles

Outagamie County Exec and Democratic challenger to Ron Johnson is strongly pro-labor.

Sponsored: 15 Credit Card Do’s and Don’t’s

15 Credit Card Do’s and Don’t’s

For first-time users, these tips will help you succeed financially.

WI Daily: 721 New COVID-19 Cases Reported
WI Daily

721 New COVID-19 Cases Reported

DHS reported 11 COVID-19 deaths.

Tosa Police Chief Testifies About Mensah

Tosa Police Chief Testifies About Mensah

In John Doe hearing Weber defends former officer's killing of Jay Anderson, Jr.

Police Haven’t Ended Stop and Frisks

Police Haven’t Ended Stop and Frisks

ACLU report finds Milwaukee police out of compliance with 2018 legal settlement.

Vice President Visits City, Sells Jobs Plan

Vice President Visits City, Sells Jobs Plan

Harris tours UWM Clean Energy Laboratories, promotes infrastructure spending.

Sponsored: Shop Local. Wear Local

Shop Local. Wear Local


Murphy’s Law: The Push For a New U.S. Constitution
Murphy’s Law

The Push For a New U.S. Constitution

Scott Walker, Eric O’Keefe, Republican legislators part of scary national movement.

Body Cameras Key To Charges Against Police

Body Cameras Key To Charges Against Police

Wisconsin families who've lost loved ones hope body camera footage can lead to justice.