
State Senate Considers Absentee Voting Restrictions

State Senate Considers Absentee Voting Restrictions

GOP-sponsored legislation limits drop boxes, restricts qualifying as indefinitely confined.

Op Ed: Anti-Vaxxers Are Fake Patriots
Op Ed

Anti-Vaxxers Are Fake Patriots

Preventing nation from reaching herd immunity. That’s a grim prognosis.

School Board Member Moves Into Her District

School Board Member Moves Into Her District

Aisha Carr won MPS District 4 race though she lived outside district.

WI Daily: 639 New COVID-19 Cases Reported
WI Daily

639 New COVID-19 Cases Reported

DHS reported 13 COVID-19 deaths.

Op Ed: GOP Legislators Push Mexican Border Wall
Op Ed

GOP Legislators Push Mexican Border Wall

Including a video. With music. 'Trump wall’ better than 'Obama wall.’

Judge Rules Acevedo Video Can Be Released

Judge Rules Acevedo Video Can Be Released

Footage shows choking, death of Joel Acevedo. Officer Michael Mattioli charged with reckless homicide.

Data Wonk: Ron Johnson Threatens Republicans
Data Wonk

Ron Johnson Threatens Republicans

Pandemic policies he pushes will cause the most deaths among Republican voters.

State High Court Upholds Gun Conviction

State High Court Upholds Gun Conviction

But Justice Rebecca Bradley dissents, defending right to get drunk and carry firearms.

Sponsored: Shop Local. Wear Local

Shop Local. Wear Local


The Return of Sculpture Milwaukee

The Return of Sculpture Milwaukee

Back this summer, again lining downtown streets, with guest curators, titled exhibit.

Eyes on Milwaukee: It’s ‘The Trade Milwaukee’ Hotel
Eyes on Milwaukee

It’s ‘The Trade Milwaukee’ Hotel

Marriott Hotel in Bucks Deer District will 'honor calloused hands that built' the city

Developer Plans Hotel, Apartments Project

Developer Plans Hotel, Apartments Project

McClendon Capital Group may purchase last parcel of Park East land owned by county.