
GOP Lawmakers Cut Evers’ Special Ed Funding Proposal

GOP Lawmakers Cut Evers’ Special Ed Funding Proposal

Republican state legislators reduce special education reimbursement in budget proposal.

Legislature Considering Bills Restricting Transgender Athletes

Legislature Considering Bills Restricting Transgender Athletes

Legislation would ban transgender women and girls from participating in athletics on female teams.

Pandemic Aid Providing Relief for School Budgets

Pandemic Aid Providing Relief for School Budgets

A new report shows federal funding and new revenue providing financial relief after an uncertain year.

AP Exams Are Almost Back to Normal

AP Exams Are Almost Back to Normal

After a year where they were disrupted by pandemic.

State’s Schools Reassess Mask Mandates

State’s Schools Reassess Mask Mandates

As CDC loosens requirements, some districts stick with masks, some make it optional.

College Debts Hit State’s Black Borrowers

College Debts Hit State’s Black Borrowers

Average Black graduate owes $25,000 more for student loans than white graduates.

K-12 Education: The Failure of Corporate Charter Schools
K-12 Education

The Failure of Corporate Charter Schools

They haven’t done so well in Milwaukee.

Teacher Retirements Up 14% in 2020

Teacher Retirements Up 14% in 2020

Thousands across the state retired. More retirements expected in 2021.

Bill Would Ban UW-System Vaccine Requirements

Bill Would Ban UW-System Vaccine Requirements

Two GOP lawmakers want to prohibit public campuses from requiring COVID-19 vaccine.

Students Want More Mental Health Services

Students Want More Mental Health Services

In focus groups, state’s middle and high school students discuss pluses and minuses of pandemic.

GOP Report Proposes Regionalized UW-System

GOP Report Proposes Regionalized UW-System

Interim system President Thompson doesn't support regional consolidation of university functions.

Private School Voucher Costs Rising

Private School Voucher Costs Rising

GOP-controlled Legislature backs further voucher expansion in biennial budget.