News to You

Whither the Shops of Grand Avenue?

Whither the Shops of Grand Avenue?

With the announcement that the troubled downtown mall would be put up for auction, one can't help but wonder what went wrong and what should happen next.

Milwaukee Press Club Newsmaker Luncheon to feature State Health Officer

Milwaukee Press Club Newsmaker Luncheon to feature State Health Officer

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The Armoury Gallery closes its doors

The Armoury Gallery closes its doors

In a press release Monday night, Milwaukee’s Armoury Gallery — founded by MIAD grads Cassandra Smith and Jessica Steeber in 2008 — has closed its doors. Dear friends of the Armoury, As reluctant as we are to join the list of closing galleries and businesses around Milwaukee, it has unfortunately come time to announce that the Armoury officially closed with the end of our last show on May 2nd. Due to a variety of reasons, not least of them being financial, we will no longer be continuing to run our space in the Fortress Building. While we will be closing the doors on the physical gallery space, we are looking forward to new projects and new ways to connect with artists both locally and nationally. It has been a wonderfully enriching experience both of us, and we have worked hard over the last 18 months, garnering numerous benefits personally and professionally. We hope to continue working, collaborating and connecting with people, expanding our horizons and channeling our energy into new projects in the near future. Of course we want to thank all of the artists who showed with us this past year, along with anyone in the press who took the time to write about and promote our venture. We would also like to thank everyone who has visited the Armoury for an opening or during gallery hours, shared kind words of encouragement and thanks, or recommended us to others. A special thank you to our ardent supporters and advisors: Jason Yi, Sonja Thomsen, Mike Brenner, Jill Sebastian, Josie Osborne, Pegi Taylor, Mary Louise Schumacher, and finally our parents, without whom we would not have enjoyed the fantastic food and drink at every opening. We will continue to maintain the Armoury Gallery online as an archive of our past shows and you can still contact us at this email address if you have questions about the gallery or any past artists. Thanks again and take care! Cassandra and Jessica The Armoury Gallery 1718 N. 1st Street 3N3 Milwaukee, WI 53212

Groundbreaking Community Outreach Programs

Groundbreaking Community Outreach Programs

Announcing Two New Community Outreach Programs As part of our mission, the Alliance Francaise de Milwaukee, strives to provide French language programs in the community for children who would not otherwise have access to learning a foreign language.  Over the next few months, we are preparing to launch two groundbreaking community outreach programs in Milwaukee’s urban core. In partnership with the Malaika Early Learning Center, the Alliance Francaise has created French through African Drumming project to provide access to cultural programs for at-risk children.  This program will benefit fifty minority children, ages 3-5, who would not otherwise have access to French language classes.  You can make a difference in these young lives, and instill a love of languages by making a contribution. For over 64 years, the Neighborhood House of Milwaukee (NH) has been providing summer day camps for urban youth ages 6-12.  The Alliance Francaise will be partnering with NH to provide programs that embrace French culture, language, and healthy eating habits.  The French through Food program will teach French vocabulary through quick, simple, and healthy cooking lessons. All children in Milwaukee should have healthy minds and bodies, and the chance to take part in exciting cultural programs.  Please consider supporting these programs today.  Join us in our commitment to access, diversity, and global perspectives. You can make a difference. Consider making a contribution today. To do so, print the form below and send it to us at: Alliance Francaise de MIlwaukee 1800 E. Capitol Drive Milwaukee, WI 53211 For more information on our community partnerships please call Beth Haskovec at 414-964-3855. Donate Today Name: ____________________________ Address:___________________________ City: ______________ State:__________ Zip: _______________ Yes, I would like to make a donation of ______ to support the Alliance Française de Milwaukee outreach programs. __Check/Cash    Charge to: __ Visa  __ MasterCard  __ Discover   __ American Express Account number: Exp. Date: Name as it appears on card (if different): Billing address (if different):

Reception for Consul General of France

Reception for Consul General of France

Reception for Consul General of France Tuesday, June 9 at 4 p.m. Alliance Française, 1800 E. Capitol Drive, Shorewood A reception will be held for M. Jean-Baptiste Main de Boissière, Consul General of France in Chicago, to meet people from the Milwaukee community. The reception will be at the Alliance Francaise de Milwaukee, 1800 E. Capitol Drive in Shorewood. For more information, please call 414.964.3855.

Fasten Collective store closing

Fasten Collective store closing

TCD received this press release today regarding the closing of Fasten designer collective store in Bay View.  Fasten will continue to thrive in Milwaukee, however the store front will now be filled by Sparrow Collective. Read on for more details! Dear Fasten Patrons, The Fasten Co-op was established way back in 2003 as an idea. That idea flourished into a storefront three-and-a-half years ago. And Fasten has been the go-to place for Milwaukee designers who want to establish and promote their work, and fashion connoisseurs who want to support locally handmade clothing. It’s been such a pleasure to do business in Bayview with all of you awesome people, designers and customers alike. But at the end of April, Fasten will no longer be a store. Never fear! There will still be a place for Milwaukee to buy handmade awesomeness! A collective under new management has sprouted in our place! Sparrow Collective is the new store bringing you much of the same exact things you loved at Fasten, PLUS unique handmade items from out-of-state designers, and new types of items like pottery and home goods. Fasten will live on and continue to promote and support local designers, artists, and musicians, only now without a permanent brick-and-mortar home. Please stay in touch with us! Our blog will be updated more than ever with style updates, artists interviews, and info on events happening all over the city. And keep your eyes open for some awesome runway, art, and music events that we will be producing later this year! Thank you all for the support and friendship over the years! XOXO -Fasten      

What’s Hot Wednesday: Weigh in now!
What’s Hot Wednesday

Weigh in now!

ThirdCoast’s Jon Anne Willow is a guest panelist every Wednesday on WTMJ-4’s “What’s Hot” news segment. Weigh in on today’s topics! 1. Packers announce 2009 schedule. The team will enjoy 5 nationally televised games despite their poor season last year. Is this justified? 2. Why do people wait until the last minute to prepare their tax returns? 3. A principal in San Antonio is ticketed after a neighbor complains that an elementary school is too noisy. What? If you miss today’s program, you can watch it online here.

Zweig Public Art Project to go to full council this morning

Zweig Public Art Project to go to full council this morning

Despite the efforts of outspoken detractors Bob Donovan (Ald., 8th District) and Joe Dudzik (Ald., 11th District) to kill the project in committee, a full house of supporters of the project that included Visit Milwaukee (title) Dave Fantle, Cultural Alliance Executive Director Christine Harris and many others, joined the project’s elected supporters – especially Nic Kovac (Ald., 3rd District) and Michael Murphy (Ald., 10th District) to rally sufficient support to move the project forward. The Common Council meets later this morning. Public comment will not be permitted on the issue, but the council is expected to cast the votes that will decide the fate of the E. Wisconsin Ave. endeavor.

Acacia Theatre seeks auditions for summer musical version of Little Women

Acacia Theatre seeks auditions for summer musical version of Little Women

ACACIA THEATRE will be holding auditions on Monday and Tuesday, April 27 and 28 between 6:30 and 9:30 for its summer musical, Little Women.  This production will require 6 women and 4 Men (17 – 60).  Please prepare 12 – 16 bars of a song (accompaniment provided) Readings will be from script.   Auditions will be held by appointment only at Church in the City, 2648 N. Hackett, Milwaukee.  Performances (July 10 – 19) are at Concordia University. To make an appointment:  (414) 744-5995 or email Additional info:  Little Women: The Broadway Musical, book by Allan Knee, Lyrics by Mindi Dickstein, Music by Jason Howland, will be directed by Janet Bouman Peterson.  Music Director is Jane Foerster. A very few copies of the script are available at Acacia’s office.  They may be borrowed for 2 days for a $25 returnable deposit (our cost).  (Call office first to make arrangements).  Large portions of the script have been posted online at: Please be prepared to provide all “conflicts” from May 26 – July10.   If new to Acacia, please provide a photo. If needed: Callbacks will be Sunday, May 3rd at 2:00.  (If unable to attend, please still come to initial audition)  Rehearsals are at Church in the City.  For directions to Church in the City, go to: Ages:  Since the musical portrays the girls in the same way as the book, the youngest daughter is Amy who eventually gets married.  Even though she may still be a teen when she gets married, it is important that it isn’t a huge stretch for the modern eye to see that actress as both an impetuous early teen and a young married.  Beth is even older.  Therefore, we will not be able to see anyone who still looks like a younger teen.  If a girl is 16 or 17 and we could imagine them as married, they are welcome to audition.  If we cannot imagine that, then it is respectfully requested that they not audition.  Thank you so much for understanding. Song suggestions:  It would be wise to pick something short (which is why we are requesting only 12-16 bars), which shows your musical strengths and/or suggests the character you are auditioning for.  If your voice lends itself to two completely different styles, you may do two contrasting 12 bar selections (to show range or style differences).  Please … no longer.  We hope to provide accompanists for all auditions … remember they are sight-reading. A very ROUGH estimation of the roles and ranges: Marmee – alto, ballads Jo – gutsy, strong, wide range, but primarily alto Meg – legit soprano Beth – sweet soprano Amy – primarily alto Aunt March – wide range, character Laurie (Theodore Laurence III) – Energetic, wide range tenor Professor Baehr – Baritone John Brooke – Baritone – to II Tenor Mr. Laurence – Baritone, character

Public comment opportunity on Streetscape Project Tuesday morning

Public comment opportunity on Streetscape Project Tuesday morning

On Tuesday, April 14 at 8 a.m., Milwaukee’s Public Works Committee (in City Hall Room 301-B) will again be considering the Janet Zweig proposal for the Streetscape Arts Project. Public comment is invited. This Committee will vote up or down on the project. Procedurally, it is likely to be taken out of Committee (no matter what the vote) and moved to the Common Council – which meets at 9 a.m. on Tuesday.  Public comment is not allowed at a Common Council meeting, but it is open to attendance. Emails and phone calls to the Aldermen are critically important, particularly if they come from a constituent. Please make lots of contact, and get your friends to do the same. Here is the Council website: If you are interested, here is the body of the letter we sent to each Alderman: We believe that a strong public art program raises our creative capital. Milwaukee’s image as an innovative city with a vibrant arts community and top-notch creative assets is critical to whether or not we can recruit talent to move here, or get good employees to stay here.  Having a strong public arts program is one step toward improving the image of Milwaukee, which doesn’t always get the credit it deserves for our arts and culture assets and amenities. This public art process was put in to place years ago and the project has been moving forward according to all of the guidelines. The money has already been approved. The public art committee was comprised of people with the background and commitment of the public interest to make an artist choice that will serve our community well and meet the budgetary requirements. The chosen artist, Janet Zweig, has committed to spend the $60,000 matching dollars being approved with local artists, thereby giving very valuable jobs to our city and helping to make the project community-relevant. Furthermore, she has a stellar international reputation for her work and a Milwaukee background. We don’t need to personally like every piece of public art that we vote for – that is a good thing!  Art is a matter of preference.  You just need to like the idea of crafting a first-class city that can compete in these trying economic times.  Art goes hand in hand with better transportation, business development and all of the other efforts to bolster our economy. We appreciate all that you do to make this a better place to live, work, play and learn. We, the creative industries, are equally committed to making this a better place for all – and to bring lots more people and business. Diverse, creative expression is an important component to our city’s attraction Thank you. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Christine Harris President and Executive Director Cultural Alliance of Greater Milwaukee 648 N. Plankinton Ave Suite 425 Milwaukee, WI 53203

Special “pay what you can” for opening of Cherry Orchard

Special “pay what you can” for opening of Cherry Orchard

The Milwaukee Repertory Theater indicates on its website that first two opening performances of “The Cherry Orchard” by Anton Chekhov will be “pay what you can” starting with a $5 minimum available just two hours before curtain. It’s a chance to see this Tuesday, Apr. 14 or Wednesday Apr. 15 evening for some great theater in Milwaukee by a good company of actors for possibly a fraction of the usual cost. Contact The Rep’s box office (414-224-9490)  for more information, and stayed tuned to TCD for a future review of this staging.

RadioMilwaukee names new Executive Director

RadioMilwaukee names new Executive Director

Milwaukee, Wisconsin (April 8, 2009) – Mary Louise Mussoline, the Milwaukee Art Museum’s former senior director of development, has been named executive director of non-commercial 88Nine RadioMilwaukee. Mussoline, a longtime Milwaukee resident, has served for many years as a top executive and consultant to numerous area non-profits, working in areas of management, training and fundraising. Her selection followed a multiple-month search and extensive interviewing process for the open position, said Eric Resch, board chair of Radio For Milwaukee, which operates the station. “Mary Louise brings a wealth of experience in management and fund development,” Resch said. “Her strong background, talent and working relationships within Milwaukee’s non-profit and business communities will help RadioMilwaukee realize its vision for creating a better city through the power of music and our collective voice.” Resch said Mussoline will work closely with her senior management team, Station Manager Vicki Mann and Program + Content Director Sam Van Hallgren, to increase the station’s impact within the area and grow community support. Mussoline said she has been an avid listener of RadioMilwaukee since the station’s current format went into effect two years ago. She said she looked forward to helping the station grow into an even more important community asset. “In a short time, RadioMilwaukee has established itself as a powerful force to bring people together in celebration of music, local arts and community building,” Mussoline said. “By tapping into more of the Milwaukee area’s many resources, I hope to help build an even stronger foundation for our future growth and success.” As the Milwaukee Art Museum’s campaign consultant and then senior director of development from 2005 until earlier this month, Mussoline oversaw the museum’s completion of its capital campaign, membership efforts, annual campaign, major gifts, planned giving and special program fundraising. The most recent campaign raised $4.9 million in annual gifts, including $3 million from major donors and an additional $2.3 million in grants and sponsorships. Annual campaign contributions increased by 30% under Mussoline’s team. Prior to her work at the Milwaukee Art Museum, Mussoline served as the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design’s vice president for institutional advancement from September 2002 until December 2004; The Brico Fund, Inc.’s executive director from 1998 to 2002; and a Jane Bradley Pettit Foundation program officer from 1998 to 2001. Since 1987, Mussoline also has owned a consulting practice, MLM Associates, which has provided training and select consulting to a variety of organizations. Groups MLM has worked with include the YWCA of Greater Milwaukee, Neighborhood House, Prevent Blindness Wisconsin, Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Highland Community School, Tirimbina Rainforest Center, Children’s Service Society, YWCA of the USA, Women’s Fund of Greater Milwaukee. 88Nine RadioMilwaukee (88.9 FM and broadcasts and webcasts a unique mix of rock, urban and local music, while promoting and celebrating involvement in the Milwaukee community. The station has won “best of” awards from the Shepherd-Express weekly newspaper, the Wisconsin Area Music Industry and Milwaukee Magazine.