
Happy 234th birthday, America

Happy 234th birthday, America

Here’s hoping your Independence Day is beyond terrific. No matter what side of the political spectrum your team plays on, this is a non-partisan party.

Why we celebrate

Why we celebrate

As you enjoy the three-day weekend, reflect on the rights and freedoms fought and won for 234 years ago.

It’s time to go now!

It’s time to go now!

As Ronald Reagan once said, "Never attack a fellow party member." Not only has Mark Neumann alienated his allies in the GOP, he's run his campaign into the ground. It's time to go.

Politics as usual

Politics as usual

It's comforting to know that no matter how urgent the crisis facing the American people, our politicians will find ample time to grandstand.

GOP senate hopefuls: apples to apples
GOP senate hopefuls

apples to apples

Except for money and style, Ron Johnson and David Westlake are the same Republican candidate. Will Feingold be worried?

Board needs to focus on MPS, not Arizona

Board needs to focus on MPS, not Arizona

How is it appropriate for MPS to waste time on a resolution to boycott Arizona when its own roof is falling in? Conscientious objection, or PR smoke screen?

Welcome new neighbors with new development

Welcome new neighbors with new development

Low-income housing is not a bad idea, it's just had a lot of bad press. The misconception that affordable housing automatically equates to crime is an assumption that is both unfair and uninformed.

Cowboy Down

Cowboy Down

Mister President, you are many things. But Chief Executive of Butt Kicking is not what we hired you for.

View from the Waiting Room: Cure ailing schools to improve kids’ health
View from the Waiting Room

Cure ailing schools to improve kids’ health

Better education is related to better health.

Walker taking on two Democrats in race to Madison

Walker taking on two Democrats in race to Madison

Scott Walker will likely face off against Tom Barrett in November, but he is clearly running a campaign aimed straight at Jim Doyle.

Is this really the future of bus transit?

Is this really the future of bus transit?

Officials predict a $10.2 million budget shortage in 2011 which could lead to a 14 percent route reduction. It's time to save MCTS.

The bright side of the BP oil spill

The bright side of the BP oil spill

America has always been the Imperial Wizard of the International Optimists League. When we're handed lemons, we make lemonade. All we need is a couple of dump trucks full of sugar and ironically, some clean water.