Building Info

  • Address:
    332 E. Reservoir Ave.
  • Taxkey:
  • Assessed Value (Land):
  • Assessed Value (Improvements):
  • Assessed Value (Total):
  • Assesment Year:
  • Year Built:

Content referencing 332 E. Reservoir Ave.

Former Machine Shop Is RNC Party Venue

Former Machine Shop Is RNC Party Venue

Warehouse party for GOP conventioneers will take place nightly in Brewers Hill.

Plats and Parcels: Two Blocks of Brewers Hill Slated For Development
Plats and Parcels

Two Blocks of Brewers Hill Slated For Development

It's 16 parcels of land overlooking Downtown. Plus: A recap of week's real estate news.

Building data on this page, including assessment information, was last updated on April 5, 2024

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