Building Info
- Address: 310-312 E. Buffalo St.
- Taxkeys: 3960034000, 3960035000, 3960036000, 3960037000, 3960038100, 3960039000, 3960040000, 3960041000, 3960042000, 3960043000, 3960044100, 3960046100, 3960047000, 3960032000, 0000005380, 3927001000, 3960033000
- Architect: Eugene Liebert
- Status:
- Assessed Value (Land): $258,300
- Assessed Value (Improvements): $6,900,100
- Assessed Value (Total): $7,158,400
- Assesment Year: 2023
- Year Built:
Designed by Eugene Liebert for Ernest Von Baumbach.
Longtime home of Midwest Lamp & Novelty. First used by Cohen Brothers as clothes factory.
Home of the Hudson Business Lounge from 2012 through 2020.
ID | Date | Type | Description |
235280 | 2016/06/23 | Recording Application | new recording application |
235281 | 2016/06/23 | Recording Application | new recording application |
235278 | 2016/06/23 | Recording Application | new recording application |
12139981 | 2016/06/16 | Violation | ~~Sidewalk Area Dining Facilities - it shall be unlawful for any person to use the public right-of-way as a sidewalk area dining faciity without first obtaining a permit therefore. The application and annual space rental fee for sidewalk area dining facilities shall be as specified in s. 81-106.7. (Obtain a sidewalk area dining facilities permit or discontinue the use of the public right-of-way.) / 115-32.6 / |
801562 | 2016/06/16 | New Service Request | Please check for possible invalid sidewalk dining license |
12086531 | 2016/05/12 | Violation | ~~Recording required |
12086541 | 2016/05/12 | Violation | ~~Recording required |
12086551 | 2016/05/12 | Violation | ~~Recording required |
1176360 | 2016/04/23 | Permit | Zoning Certificate |
11958171 | 2016/02/20 | Violation | RECORDING INCORRECT, FOR THESE REASON(S): |
11958141 | 2016/02/20 | Violation | RECORDING INCORRECT, FOR THESE REASON(S): |
11958151 | 2016/02/20 | Violation | RECORDING INCORRECT, FOR THESE REASON(S): |
11395561 | 2015/03/27 | Violation | ~~Temporary banner signs are prohibited. YOU ARE HEREBY ORDERED TO REMOVE BANNER SIGN AROUND COLUMN NEAR FRONT DOOR / 295-407-3-A / |
221365 | 2015/03/11 | Recording Application | new recording application |
221366 | 2015/03/11 | Recording Application | new recording application |
221367 | 2015/03/11 | Recording Application | new recording application |
11341931 | 2015/02/27 | Violation | FIRE PREVENTION ~~Correct exterior maintenance violations cited in the façade report submitted by RCL Engineering Group dated November 11, 2014; and provide a second report by a registered professional when the required work is completed. / 214-19-b / |
11302051 | 2015/01/31 | Violation | RECORDING INCORRECT, FOR THESE REASON(S): |
11302061 | 2015/01/31 | Violation | RECORDING INCORRECT, FOR THESE REASON(S): |
11302071 | 2015/01/31 | Violation | RECORDING INCORRECT, FOR THESE REASON(S): |
11030331 | 2014/08/13 | Violation | FIRE PREVENTION Provide a certificate of critical exam for fire es |
ID | Date | Description | Type |
Content referencing Baumbach Building
Eyes on Milwaukee
Hudson Business Lounge Shuts Down
Third Ward coworking space and cafe closing permanently after eight years in business.
Apr 1st, 2020 by Jeramey JanneneBuilding data on this page, including assessment information, was last updated on April 5, 2024
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