Wisconsin Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals

Recent Articles

Nurses and Healthcare Workers Statement on Ascension Cybersecurity Event
Op-Ed: Please, Ascension Wisconsin, Respect Your Workers

Please, Ascension Wisconsin, Respect Your Workers

We deserve fair pay, safer staffing, and paid COVID-19 sick leave.

Op Ed: Hospitals’ Greed Sacrifices Their Nurses
Op Ed

Hospitals’ Greed Sacrifices Their Nurses

Advocate Aurora, Ascension, and Froedtert are wealthy but won’t protect nurses during pandemic.

WFNHP Announces 2020 Spring Primary Election Endorsements
Nurses and Healthcare Professionals Applaud Action of the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors to End Relationship with Private For-Profit Corporation
Press Release

Nurses and Healthcare Professionals Applaud Action of the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors to End Relationship with Private For-Profit Corporation

This is a wonderful first step towards regaining quality healthcare and accountability for taxpayer dollars.

Nurses and Healthcare Professionals Statement on Criminal Charges Against Armor Correctional in Tragic Death of Inmate – Nurses Lost Their Voice, Milwaukee Needlessly Lost a Life
Press Release

Nurses and Healthcare Professionals Statement on Criminal Charges Against Armor Correctional in Tragic Death of Inmate – Nurses Lost Their Voice, Milwaukee Needlessly Lost a Life

"The systemic practices and procedures adopted by Armor have resulted in deaths which provision of appropriate medical care could and should have prevented."