State Rep. Daniel Riemer

Recent Articles

State Representative Daniel Riemer to Not Seek Re-Election
Op Ed: Milwaukee County Needs a Bold Vision
Op Ed

Milwaukee County Needs a Bold Vision

Creative leadership could save money, pay for more services.

Erpenbach/Riemer Introduce Medicaid Expansion Bill
Press Release

Erpenbach/Riemer Introduce Medicaid Expansion Bill

Proposal will prevent 2 billion Wisconsin tax dollars from going to other states

Rep. Riemer Statement on Democratic Tax Cut for the Middle Class
Press Release

Rep. Riemer Statement on Democratic Tax Cut for the Middle Class

"It is disappointing that Republicans are once again putting politics before people and are refusing to work together with Governor Evers and Democrats in the Legislature for the people of Wisconsin."

Rep. Riemer Statement on Governor Walker’s Plan to Weaken Protections for People with Pre-Existing Conditions
Press Release

Rep. Riemer Statement on Governor Walker’s Plan to Weaken Protections for People with Pre-Existing Conditions

"Governor Walker’s plan takes us backwards."

Tax Fairness for Wisconsin’s Middle Class
Press Release

Tax Fairness for Wisconsin’s Middle Class

"Wisconsin’s middle class deserves a tax cut."

Holding Attorney General Schimel’s Government Waste Accountable
Press Release

Holding Attorney General Schimel’s Government Waste Accountable

AG Schimel’s DOJ paid $10,000 in taxpayer dollars to an out-of-state company in Florida to mint fake coins.

Time to Focus on Wisconsin’s Priorities
Press Release

Time to Focus on Wisconsin’s Priorities

“When I talk with constituents in their homes and in the community, never has anyone told me they want more money in our elections.”

Op-Ed: A World Without Walls

A World Without Walls

Freeways create concrete walls that divide the city. Their expansion is unneeded.

Rep. Riemer Statement on the passage of the 2015-2017 State Budge
Press Release

Rep. Riemer Statement on the passage of the 2015-2017 State Budge

“The people of Wisconsin deserve a budget that puts Wisconsin kids and families first.”

Statement on Changes to Wisconsin’s Well Woman Program
Press Release

Statement on Changes to Wisconsin’s Well Woman Program

"With the changes DHS is proposing, women in many areas of the state will no longer have those health care professionals nearby providing timely care."