Addie Costello

Recent Articles

360,000 in Wisconsin Lose Health Insurance Amid Medicaid Changes

360,000 in Wisconsin Lose Health Insurance Amid Medicaid Changes

About 30% of recipients up for renewal face disenrollment, most due to procedural issues.

ID Checks No Longer Mandated at Emergency Food Pantries

ID Checks No Longer Mandated at Emergency Food Pantries

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services says loosening restrictions will broaden access, but some pantry leaders warn of complications.

Few SNAP Recipients Reimbursed for Spoiled Food

Few SNAP Recipients Reimbursed for Spoiled Food

Funding available for food lost due to power outages, flooding, but few apply. Why?

Wisconsin Seniors Face Housing Upheaval As Assisted Living Homes Reject Medicaid

Wisconsin Seniors Face Housing Upheaval As Assisted Living Homes Reject Medicaid

Assisted living promises more independence than nursing homes, but it carries serious risks.