U.S. Rep. Scott Fitzgerald
Press Release

Fitzgerald Responds to Evers’ Secret Nixonesque Recording


By - Jun 10th, 2020 03:52 pm

[Madison, WI]  Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald released the following statement today, following revelations that Governor Tony Evers secretly recorded at least one phone call with legislative leadership:

“In 26 years in the Legislature, this is one of the most brazen examples of unethical, unprofessional conduct I have ever seen. The governor has gone so far off the deep end, he’s making secret Nixonesque recordings from the East Wing of the Capitol. This conduct is totally unbecoming of our state’s top executive and opens up questions about what other recordings his administration may have.

“What Wisconsinites are seeing is a governor who is less interested in governing and more interested in playing cheap partisan political games. Meanwhile, his Department of Health Services is in complete shambles — with questions going unanswered over high-profile personnel departures.

“Nearly a month after the lifting of his unconstitutional lockdown order, none of the governor’s doomsday predictions have come true. In fact, he was caught on a hot mic last week asking when he can ‘declare victory’ over the virus after dragging down Wisconsin’s economy with his shutdown. This erratic behavior should leave Wisconsin worried.

“Legislating in divided government is dependent on trust. Secretly recording members of the opposite party sets a dangerous precedent, and will completely erode our ability to work together for the foreseeable future.”

Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R-Juneau) represents the 13th Senate District, which covers portions of Dodge, Jefferson, Waukesha, Washington, Dane, and Columbia counties.

NOTE: This press release was submitted to Urban Milwaukee and was not written by an Urban Milwaukee writer. While it is believed to be reliable, Urban Milwaukee does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.

Mentioned in This Press Release


  1. jradtke@phoenixmgi.com says:

    Dear Fitzgerald and Vos –

    Wisconsinites have had enough of your gerrymandering, voter suppression, conservative judges and lies. You’re fired.

    1. You refused to postpone the election during a pandemic, even after being urged by medical experts to stay home, keep our distance and avoid contact with more than a handful of others until this deadly virus dies down.
    2. You undid the “safer at home” rule by two weeks using conservative judges against the governor.
    3. You removed power from the incoming Governor Evers, when you learned that Governor Walker lost.
    4. You calculated that voter suppression would help Conservative Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Dan Kelly, but he lost to Jill Karofsky.
    5. You and Vos were willing to risk the lives of thousands in an effort to exploit the pandemic for a power grab.
    6. The Wisconsin Examiner revealed that you and Vos are considering another power play to try to ace Gov. Tony Evers out of the redistricting process.
    7. You and Vos lost $25 million for the state of Wisconsin after delaying the coronavirus relief package.
    Vote for Tom Palzewicz, who is running against Fitzgerald.
    Vote for Joel Jacobsen who is running against Vos.
    I am an independent, and I am done with the Republican Party.

  2. Debra Bergeron-Peterson says:

    Governor Evers was within his legal rights to tape his conversation with Scott Fitzgerald and Robin Vos. As long as one of the parties was aware that the conversation was being taped, it was legal.
    Fitzgerald and Vos have cost Wisconsin millions of dollars. Between their gerrymandering, refusal to take federal money for Medicare expansion, taking away powers from Governor Evers and the State Attorney General, holding an election during a pandemic, Act 10 legislation, and countless other shady deals, they should be looking at jail time. How they manage to remain in office is a mystery to me…oh yeah, gerrymandering.

  3. Thomas Martinsen says:

    F. Scott,

    Calling out Evers for “cheap, partisan political games” is hypocrisy on steroids on your part. You and your pal Vos have made cheap, partisan political games your stock in trade. Our state government is stagnant as a consequence of your shenanigans.

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