Content referencing Charles Grassley

The Contrarian: Giampietro Nomination Deserves Full Hearing
The Contrarian

Giampietro Nomination Deserves Full Hearing

Sen. Baldwin should reconsider her opposition to his judicial nomination.

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Joins Bipartisan Legislation to Protect Integrity of Our Elections
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Joins Bipartisan Legislation to Protect Integrity of Our Elections

The DETER Act prevents election interference with the threat of immediate, powerful sanctions

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Leads Bipartisan Call to Stand Up for American Cheese Producers
Press Release

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin Leads Bipartisan Call to Stand Up for American Cheese Producers

Continues Fight to Protect Wisconsin Producers in Ongoing Trade Negotiations