Building Info

  • Address:
    821 W. State St.
  • Taxkey:
  • Status:
  • Assessed Value (Land):
  • Assessed Value (Improvements):
  • Assessed Value (Total):
  • Assesment Year:
  • Year Built:


Commercial Alteration Permit
ROW Occupancy Permit
Asbestos Project
Electrical Permit
Electrical Permit.
Asbestos Project.
ROW Excavation Utility.
ROW Occupancy Permit.

Content referencing 821 W. State St.

MKE County: County Aims To Build New Courthouse By 2032
MKE County

County Aims To Build New Courthouse By 2032

Project could take seven years and $500 million to complete.

MKE County: New Courthouse Project Opens Door For Energy Efficiency
MKE County

New Courthouse Project Opens Door For Energy Efficiency

County's $488 million criminal courthouse plan includes energy modernization project.

MKE County: RNC Will Cause Some County Services To Be Moved to Wauwatosa
MKE County

RNC Will Cause Some County Services To Be Moved to Wauwatosa

Milwaukee County launches webpage to detail what office is going where.

MKE County: Planning Begins for New Criminal Courthouse
MKE County

Planning Begins for New Criminal Courthouse

County will solicit planning and design contractors in June for $488.4 million project.

MKE County: Crowley Backs Biggest Project in County History
MKE County

Crowley Backs Biggest Project in County History

His 2024 budget includes planning, design for $488 million courthouse project.

MKE County: County Family Court Getting Remodel
MKE County

County Family Court Getting Remodel

The current facilities are a detriment to safety and access, chief judge says.

MKE County: County Set To Begin Work On Replacing Courthouse, Safety Building
MKE County

County Set To Begin Work On Replacing Courthouse, Safety Building

$500 million project would start with $3.8 million planning allocation.

MKE County: Court Clerk Running Out of Room for Criminal Evidence
MKE County

Court Clerk Running Out of Room for Criminal Evidence

Current storage space at dilapidated Safety Building is insufficient.

MKE County: Will Online Foreclosure Auction Prevent Intimidation, Collusion?
MKE County

Will Online Foreclosure Auction Prevent Intimidation, Collusion?

County attempts to thwart collusion by 'bad actor landlords' at property auctions.

Building data on this page, including assessment information, was last updated on April 5, 2024

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