Flags To Be Flown at Half-Staff For Former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice
David Prosser, former Assembly Speaker and Supreme Court Justice, died earlier this month.

Former Supreme Court Justice David Prosser. Photo: Wispolitics (CC-BY-SA).
The United States and Wisconsin flags will be flown at half-staff on Saturday to honor former state Supreme Court Justice David Prosser, Gov. Tony Evers announced Friday.
Prosser died on Dec. 1 after a fight with cancer. The former justice spent most of his career working in government, starting in the 1970s when he worked as an attorney for the U.S. Department of Justice and then as a staff member for U.S. Rep. Harold Froehlich (R-Appleton).
Prosser also served in the state Assembly, including terms as speaker and minority leader, before being appointed to the Supreme Court in 1998. He served on the court for 18 years and retired in 2016.
“Justice Prosser devoted his career to public service, from working for a congressman and his local community to serving as a legislator and his nearly two decades as a Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice,” Evers said in a statement. “His career was unique — he did a little bit of everything — and he spent much of his life seeking new and more impactful ways that he could make a difference in our state. Our thoughts and condolences are with his family, friends, staff, and former colleagues as they mourn his passing.”
Flags to be flown at half-staff for former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Prosser was originally published by Wisconsin Examiner.
No, the national flag is for national service. State flag, fine.