Wisconsin Supreme Court Won’t Order Use of Ivermectin for COVID-19
Aurora doctors refused to administer the deworming drug, triggering lawsuit.

Ivermectin. Photo by Bundesministerium für Finanzen, CC BY 2.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0>, via Wikimedia Commons
The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled in a 6-1 decision Tuesday that it won’t order Advocate Aurora Health to provide ivermectin to a patient with COVID-19.
The case was brought by Allen Gahl, who held health care power of attorney for his uncle and sought to have the anti-parasitic drug prescribed to treat him in the hospital. Doctors at Aurora Health Care had refused to administer the dewormer, so Gahl sued. A county judge ordered the hospital to allow an outside doctor to come in and prescribe the drug, but the Supreme Court upheld an appeals court decision that found that the county judge did not have the power to make such an order.
Similar lawsuits were brought across the country as popular conservative commentators, and lawmakers including U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, touted the drug as a cure for COVID-19, despite a lack of scientific evidence backing the claim. The drug, which can be used to treat worms or head lice in humans, is more commonly used as a dewormer for animals such as horses and dogs. The misleading claims about its potential use for COVID resulted in people buying ivermectin meant for horses at farm goods stores.
Taking a high dose of ivermectin can cause hypertension, seizures, coma and even death, according to a warning by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
On Tuesday, the Supreme Court majority, which included all of the justices except conservative Rebecca Bradley, affirmed the appellate court’s decision, finding that the circuit court judge did not base his decision on any Wisconsin statutes.
“We do not know what viable legal claim the circuit court thought Gahl had presented,” Justice Ann Walsh Bradley wrote in the court’s opinion.
In her 40-page dissent in which she invoked the “natural right” of self-determination, Rebecca Bradley wrote that the circuit court made a quick decision in a case in which a patient was near death and therefore the hospital should have been forced to provide the drug.
“The circuit court considered the relevant facts and applied the correct legal standard to reach a reasonable decision in light of the life-or-death circumstances presented,” she wrote. “Like the majority of the court of appeals, a majority of this court fails to look for reasons to sustain the circuit court’s discretionary decision as the law requires. Under our highly deferential standard of review, the circuit court properly exercised its discretion in entering an order granting temporary injunctive relief to a man near death.”
Wisconsin Supreme Court won’t order hospital to use ivermectin for COVID-19 was originally published by the Wisconsin Examiner.
Rebecca Bradley is the only one in the court with a clear grasp of this case. When you’ve tried everything that usually works and your patient is about to die, you don’t reject any new solution.
There was no reason for ivermectin to have clinical trials during Covid. It already had a 30-year, 4-billion dose stellar safety record FOR THE HUMAN VERSION, and it was recommended by the WHO as an essential drug that every country should stock. That, and if as CDC and their ilk claimed, it had no effect on Covid, it should’ve been a default placebo. Honest, unsuppressed observational and clinical trials proved that ivermectin worked extremely well as a prophylactic and remedy against Covid, unless it was administered too late in the progress of the disease. It has 6 ways of attacking Covid and it’s spike protein. The injections have one, if you’ve guessed correctly how to fight the new variant.
Early in the fracas, residents at an eastern US nursing home were tested for Covid. One group stood out in that they showed no sign whatsoever of Covid. They were participating in a skin lotion test. The lotion had ivermectin in it (possibly for rosacea, another condition it relieves).
One form of ‘denierrhea’ about ivermectin was “It wasn’t made for that”. Anyone familiar with prescription practice knows that AT LEAST 20% of prescriptions are written off-label, aspirin even more so.
No prescription was ever “made for that”. Researchers and formulators have always gone to the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms searching for whatever might solve a given problem. They then either replicated, modified, distilled, extracted, diluted, buffered or otherwise processed the substance into usability for humans.
Once ivermectin’s effectiveness and suppression scenario becomes known to enough people, things are going to get very, very ugly.
Here is the point Rebecca Bradley and Marty Ellenbecker failed to note, off-label use of prescriptions drugs still have to receive approval for that off-label use. That approval comes from the FDA. In the case of ivermectin, the FDA has not approved the off-label use. In fact, it carries the following warning:
“Taking a high dose of ivermectin can cause hypertension, seizures, coma and even death.”
Those are about as serious as side effects get. The circuit court did not decide on the facts of the case because the judgment failed to note the plethora of medical experts who warn against using a drug intended to treat head lice (parasitic insects) in humans as a treatment for COVID (a virus that attacks human cells.)
I am sick and tired of the reliance on whatever hocus-pocus snake oil medicine is being pedaled by the radical reactionary republicans, the present day version of the Know Nothings.
Who died in this case? Nobody. That’s good.
So this sick guy wanted doctors to give him some miracle drug promoted by trump?
trump sure didn’t take any of that cra* when he was sick. No, just $1 million in
real treatments paid for by taxpayers. Nobody died. If that bothers you then seek help!
Marty – As far as things getting very, very ugly, you and Becky are already there.
mkwagner, off-label drug use does NOT require FDA approval.
Marty, there certainly was reason for clinical trials of ivermectin on covid.
Clinical trials have 3 phases. Phase 1 test whether the drug is toxic. As you said, ivermectin has been used safely for years for other conditions, so there was NO Phase 1 trial of invermectin.
Phase 2 & 3 testing is for whether this drug works on a specific disease, which dose works best, and how it compares to other treatments (including placebos). While we know Ivermectin works against worms, we needed to test whether it worked against covid. So phase 2 & 3 testing was needed.
The end result (from double-blind testing) was that invermectin was not effective against covid.
test 2
Apologies for the time lag – tech problems
To mkwagner-
In early 2021, I might easily have written what you wrote.
More on that below.
“Taking a high dose of ivermectin can cause hypertension, seizures, coma and even death.”
How much is high? … For whom?…When?
The human version of ivermectin won a Nobel prize and was declared by the WHO to be an essential drug for every country to stock. And after 30 years and 4 billion human doses, is still considered safer than aspirin. It’s just happenstance that it’s also antiviral and thwarts the spike protein.
“…off-label use of prescriptions drugs still have to receive approval for that off-label use”.
No. FDA regulates the PROMOTION of off label uses of drugs, not their prescription.
From jaapl website – (links flag comments):
“Because FDA approval can be extremely costly, a pharmaceutical manufacturer will typically lose incentive to put one of its drugs already approved for one indication back through the same FDA approval process to be approved for another indication These pharmaceutical manufacturers are instead incentivized to market their FDA-approved drugs and rely on practicing physicians utilizing their judgment to find new, non–FDA-approved uses for which they are free to prescribe the drug. This off-label prescribing often occurs if there is no effective alternative for a patient population (e.g., in children), when a patient has not responded to other on-label medication use, or when a patient has residual symptoms that may be treated with medication the FDA has approved for a different disorder.23 In effect, off-label prescribing by physicians is legal and common, but it is often done in the absence of adequate supporting data.”
Along with the above, consider that ivermectin is off-patent and costs approximately 6-7 cents per dose to produce. No ka-ching!
In early 2021, I could easily have written what you wrote.
Remember when those unvaccinated, leprous traitors were going to be the death of us all?
I was a Fauci fan until he went off of his own “label” of precautions
– well before we were near herd immunity, and when less than half of us were vaccinated.
I started digging.
I grudgingly found you had to go to the “dark side” (right wing)
to get the truth about Covid. MAKE NO MISTAKE – Their anti-Pharma/Covid cartel efforts have nothing to do with human health or safety! This is all about an internal right-wing power struggle
between Old Guard and New Guard (Pharma) factions. Any
benefits to the public will be strictly incidental. The enemy of my enemy is only temporarily my friend! I won’t be elaborating on this. It’s only for perspective.
I tend to lean liberal in my philosophies and politics. I found “my party” was engaged in criminal silence on Covid/Pharma roles and dangers, and spouting the “Safe and effective drivel Pharma pushes. While I was still following fenofibrate news, a friend called to tell me about Dr. Pierre Cory addressing Congress on ivermectin, hosted by Sen. Ron Johnson.
I said I have no use for Johnson.
He said just watch the video.
Dr. Cory only used the term miracle drug once. His whole presentation to Congress was to get the NIH/FDA /CDC to examine FLCCC’s newest documentation on ivermectin, as it was stronger than that previously submitted. The ball was publicly lobbed into the government’s court. They didn’t swing. They professed neutrality.
Smart move. Had they approved it, Pharma’s bribes would dry up. Had they prohibited it, lawyers, evidence and juries would put them in jail. Some of the MOST CREDENTIALED PRACTICING CLINICIANS IN THE WORLD were proving ivermectin’s effectiveness & speed, and usually without hospitalization.
“I am sick and tired of…” In Britain, Dr.John Campbell was more pissed off than you – at the abuse and betrayal of his reputation and of public health by Pharma and their beneficiaries. He WAS pro-vaxx., Over the years he had produced scores of nurse training videos. He had a video side gig, going through medical documents of public interest and explaining them in plain English.
One day he went through a summary of the British equivalent of our Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System. It happened to include a summary of ivermectin’s success and the 6 reasons for it.
He angrily changed his tune. He sarcastically advised the WHO: “Y’all, you’re not a horse, you’re not a cow, use your human intellect to follow the science”.
Last time I looked he was still on YouTube.
I don’t think they dare ban him.
A few items on “hocus-pocus snake oil medicine” –
The “vaxxine” rate in Haiti is approximately 1/40 of the United States. So are their case and death rates from Covid. (Actual numbers are 41 and 44%, I just can’t remember which applied to which.
In Africa, those areas where ivermectin is being used “on label”
experience dramatically lower Covid rates than elsewhere.
They’re probably not “sick of off label” health benefits.
The US VAERS database has grown to over 1,400 KINDS of reaction
to the mRNA shots, in nearly EVERY part of the body! Those who have been injected are now experiencing a dramatically higher rate of Covid than those who were never injected, and their all-cause death count from 2021 to date is equal to that of the prior 38 years of the program. Insurance companies are scared. It turns out that natural immunity rules.
I wasn’t planning for any of this GD BS in my retirement.
Next task: follow up on how serious and prevalent spike protein
shedding is, and will surviving it be another career?
Am I asymptomatically shedding it, or Covid?
Good luck!
[BTW, I had 2 shots in early 2021. I had some weird and some scary reactions. There won’t be a 3rd! I had Covid for about 5 days in September 2022 treated with Molnupiravir, no apparent problems yet]
There is no guarantee that Trump was told or understood all that
he was given. Remember the complaints & tactics of those who had to brief him?
No need for placebos. They are ineffective by design. With ivermectin’s safety, the only questions are about specific patient vulnerabilities and drug or other interactions. In those cases the prescriber might explore dilution. Remember that even if the virus doesn’t kill you the spike protein might. This ain’t no party, this ain’t no disco! Ivermectin works against both in defiance of “tests” to the contrary.
Suggestion for everyone:
Tap into your grapevines – especially beauticians, barbers and bartenders.