Southside Nightclub Gets 30-Day Suspension
Council expressed alarm at fatal shooting that took place outside Diamante Negro, which is to remain closed through May 18.

Site of Diamante Negro, 1900 E. Lincoln Ave. Photo taken April 19, 2023 by Sophie Bolich.
Diamante Negro will remain closed for one month, following a suspension issued Tuesday by the Milwaukee Common Council. The 30-day suspension, which went into effect April 18, was based on a five-item police report detailing complaints of excessive noise, loitering and gun violence.
The most severe incident noted in the report was a fatal shooting that took place on May 15, 2022, less than a block from the southside nightclub, 1900 W. Lincoln Ave. The victim, who had earlier patronized the establishment, was sitting in his car after bar close when a subject fired over 40 rounds into his car, killing him, according to a police report.
Licensee Tomas Hernandez, who opted to represent himself at a March 29 license renewal hearing, told the Licenses Committee that some of the items in the police report were true, though he also said that “some of it didn’t happen.”
“We did have an unfortunate incident outside of the establishment, but it was not a random act of violence,” Hernandez said. “From what MPD had informed us, both parties knew each other.”
In response to recent violence at the bar and within the surrounding neighborhood, Hernandez told Urban Milwaukee that he has taken steps — particularly within the past several months — to improve patron safety.
“I had been working with MPD, attending monthly crime and safety meetings and been more involved with the day-to-day of Diamante Negro,” he said.
Hernandez also hired a new manager, DJ and security team in an effort to create a calmer environment.
The changes occurred following a July 2022 meeting with city officials and Milwaukee Police. Despite his efforts at the site of the business, however, Hernandez said he is unsure of how to protect patrons once they leave the premises.
Common Council President José G. Pérez, who represents the district where the bar is located, said that Hernandez is accountable for the safety of his patrons, noting in particular the May 2022 shooting.
“Even if this person may have had enemies, he was in your bar, and he got shot 40 times right in front of it. Which is extremely serious,” Pérez said.
The alderman suggested a 30-day suspension. “If there are any issues next year, it will probably be a nonrenewal because of the progressive discipline — especially anything with gunplay.”
Pérez said he hopes that Hernandez takes time during the suspension to “reflect” on the establishment and “strengthen what he’s doing” to bolster security.
“There are problems over there, and you need to tighten it up,” he said. “Your responsibility is to your community and your patrons.”
Ald. Mark Borkowski also took time to express alarm regarding the gun violence detailed in the police report.
“Enough is enough,” he said. “I started this this morning and I’m going to be consistent as long as I’m on this committee. When I see a firearm involved in anything dealing with renewal for your license, I will be voting no.”
The bar, which opened in March 2021, has not received any previous suspensions or warning letters.
The Common Council unanimously approved the suspension at its April 18 meeting. No written objections were filed on behalf of the bar.
Diamante Negro can reopen on May 19.
When open, Diamante Negro operates Tuesday through Sunday from 8 p.m. until 2 a.m.
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- December 13, 2018 - José G. Pérez received $50 from Mark Borkowski