Republican Lawmakers Oppose Record-Breaking Wisconsin Land Conversation
Sen. Felzkowski leads opposition to preserving 56,000 acres of forest near Rhinelander.

The Pelican River Forest will be used for sustainable forest management. The Conservation Fund plans to protect wildlife and water quality habitat through conservation easements with the Wisconsin DNR. Photo by Jay Brittain/The Conservation Fund
Lawmakers on the state’s finance committee are objecting to what would be the largest land conservation effort in Wisconsin history, threatening to halt the project altogether.
The Conservation Fund, a national environmental conservation group, bought 70,000 acres of private forestland across northern Wisconsin in 2021 called the Pelican River Forest to set it aside for recreational use and logging.
The bulk of the easement would be funded by a $10.8 million federal forest legacy grant, but the state would also have to contribute funding.
On Thursday, Sen. Mary Felzkowski, R-Irma, said she and other members of the Joint Committee on Finance, who she declined to name, objected to using around $4 million from the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program to pay for the project.
“What’s happening here is when we do a conservation easement on 56,000 acres, what that’s basically saying is this land can never ever be developed into perpetuity,” Felzkowski told Wisconsin Public Radio. “Forever is a very long time.”
Previously, a nearly $4.7 million easement on 12,500 acres within the forest already received approval in 2021.
Felzkowski said she’s not opposed to Stewardship funding or the state owning public land, but she added public land is already abundant in northern Wisconsin counties. She said local governments have shared concerns over a lack of housing and available land.
“You cannot continuously take property up north and take it off the tax rolls, take it away from the private (sector), and take it away from individuals,” she said. “We cannot afford to keep services up north.”

The Pelican River area in Wisconsin. The Pelican River Forest includes 68 miles of streams and 27,000 acres of forested wetlands. Photo by Jay Brittain/The Conservation Fund
Large land purchases have met opposition in recent years as some Republican lawmakers have opposed taking blocks of private land off the tax rolls in heavily forested counties across northern Wisconsin.
The Conservation Fund maintains the forest’s 70,000 acres will remain in private ownership, contributing about $73,000 in taxes each year. However, Felzkowski argues those properties are taxed at a lower rate because they’re enrolled in the state’s Managed Forest Law program.
Clint Miller, the group’s central Midwest regional director, said the committee’s decision not to fund the project at this time is disappointing.
The Pelican River Forest includes 68 miles of streams and 27,000 acres of forested wetlands, straddling the divide between the Lake Superior and Mississippi River basins. The property serves as a link between the Oneida County Forest and Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest. He said protecting the large block of forestland would provide ecological benefits in the form of habitat for state endangered and threatened species like the American marten.
The forest also benefits the climate by storing the equivalent of carbon emissions released by 4 million cars each year, and it’s expected to support 775 forest-related jobs. The DNR said the conservation effort received broad support, including the Wisconsin Conservation Congress, Wisconsin Wildlife Federation, and statewide ATV and UTV clubs.
Even so, local governments like the town of Monico and Langlade County raised concerns about the project approved last fall, according to Charles Carlin, director of strategic initiatives for state conservation group Gathering Waters. He said the group, town, and Conservation Fund recently discussed lands the town wanted to reserve for future development.
“Highway 8 and Highway 45 run through the town of Monico and through this project, and they would like to be able to have some of that land available for potential future residential or commercial development,” Carlin said. “They also reported to us, and it’s in the town’s comprehensive plan, that preservation of the forest lands within the town of Monico is also a really key priority for the town. And so I think that there’s absolutely a compromise to be reached there where some of that land could be reserved for development.”
However, Carlin is less optimistic about whether the committee would allow the project to move forward.
“I have a lot of concern about the Joint Finance Committee and their process for objecting to these projects and for resolving those objections,” Carlin said. “And, in part, that’s because the Finance Committee is not following their own rules for reviewing, objecting to projects and resolving those objections.”

The Conservation Fund purchased 70,000 acres of the Pelican River Forest in northern Wisconsin from the investment firm The Forestland Group. The purchase aims to set aside land for recreational use and logging for years to come. Jay Brittain/The Conservation Fund
Under state law, the Joint Finance Committee that oversees state spending has 14 days to review and object to any project that uses more than $250,000 of Stewardship funding. If there’s an objection, the co-chairs of the committee notify the DNR that it’s scheduling a meeting to review the proposal. Until then, no money can be allocated without approval of the committee.
But Carlin said the committee hasn’t scheduled a meeting on the Pelican River Forest and other past projects, leaving them in limbo. A land conservation effort in Ozaukee County almost failed last year after an anonymous lawmaker objected to the deal. Gov. Tony Evers later issued $4.5 million in COVID-19 relief to fund five projects that committee members rejected, including for the Cedar Gorge-Clay Bluffs Preserve in Ozaukee County.
“Going forward, it would be great to see the DNR put more effort into ensuring the questions and concerns of the local communities are addressed before promising money for projects or bringing proposals to the legislature,” Born said.
The committee’s Republican co-chair Sen. Howard Marklein declined to comment on Thursday.
Jim Lemke, the DNR’s real estate section chief, said the agency sends out letters to every township, county, state representative and state senator that may live in or serve an area where a proposed easement is located. He said the DNR only received input from Langlade County where board members expressed concerns about the 30-day window to weigh in on the project.
“After the information came out that the objection was somewhat based on concerns of the township, we were surprised to have heard that because we didn’t know that those objections or concerns were out there,” Lemke said. “We would have appreciated the chance to have addressed those questions specifically from the standpoint of the DNR.”
The Conservation Fund’s Miller said they may also have to sell the property if the DNR can’t secure funding for the project. He said they typically aim to wrap up similar deals within three years, noting work has already been underway for half that time.
“The state needs to step up and seize the opportunity while we’ve got it,” Miller said.
Felzkowski has said an objection isn’t a hard no. If local governments reach an agreement with the Conservation Fund, the GOP senator said she’s open to hearing what they propose. Meanwhile, she said it’s up to the committee co-chairs to determine if and when a hearing is held on whether the project should move forward.
Listen to the WPR report here.
Largest land conservation effort in state history threatened as lawmakers object to funding was originally published by Wisconsin Public Radio.
Pollution and sickness is what Republicans represent.
I suspect that Kwik Trip has its eye on building a new convenience store at one of the 8/45 intersections in Monico and doesn’t want any interference from no tree-hugging environmentalists. Being the good bellhops that they are, Felzkowski, Marklein, and Born will hold up the land purchase for as long as the Zietlow Family dictates. Stooges in the Legislature don’t want to jeopardize the flow of all those Kwik Trip dollars to GOP campaigns.
No surprise that Joint Finance would block this. The MAGATS in Republicanland have no desire to protect anything except the pocketbooks of Capitalists.
I find it amazing in our Democracy that one local government entity is given power to block a a major recreation project which I sure the locals will use and which would bring in persons spending recreational dollars in the area. Many of the conservative local residents will continue to complain about Government overreach while many live off of food stamps, Medicide, Federal farm handouts, Social Security and charity medical care from the large urban hospitals throughout the State-a new welfare class.
“You cannot continuously take property…and take it off the tax rolls”…says the party of WMC and the elitist, wealthy rCons. So Dim Tim, (remember him?!) of the Michels’ nepo babies puts lake shore property into a non-profit so he can enjoy the benefits without paying taxes on it. Selfish fucks, the lot of em.