Michael Horne

We Took the Free Riverwest Brewery Shuttle Bus. Here’s How it Went.

Shuttle is a welcome amenity, encourages locals and tourists alike to explore beyond Downtown.

By - Nov 4th, 2022 01:26 pm

Shuttle is a welcome amenity, encourages locals and tourists alike to explore beyond Downtown. Back to the full article.

Photos - Page 2


  1. Junebud616@gmail.com says:

    Hi! Can UM possibly use either a slightly larger font or a darker bolder font, to make your posts easier to read for those who are over .60?
    I’m going to guess that the person who tyoes these stories is…maybe 20 years old? Thanks for improving your site with such suggested tiny changes that I hope won’t cost you anything!
    Best regards,
    June Also I know someone who is a total expert on the local adult folk singer scene. Could you offer him a free membership in UM for providing us with info on where to go to hear the best? I have learned (from him!) about some amazing places…and we even took a bit of an excursion to Fort Atkinson to hear a one in a Million voice and talent that was visiting for one night from the east coast

  2. Polaris says:

    Of course, I get that this is a new thing, but the idea/visual of a “First Student school bus” being used for a brewery/pub shuttle is a little weird.

    That said, I love LOVE the final two paragraphs talking about using shuttles like this to boost tourism into the neighborhoods adjacent to downtown. Seriously, I know that when I visit somewhere I want to go and have an experience that is—if not completely unique—then at least “off the beaten path.” A special experience, a “discovery” that leaves me with a story to tell. “When I was in Milwaukee I did this great thing and discovered _______. We had a wonderful time and met great people! You should definitely go and check it out…so cool!” Your point about embarking at Lakefront Brewery within walking distance of downtown hotels/vacation rentals is brilliant.

    What would it take, not just for neighborhood tap rooms, but for other neighborhood sites to seriously test this in 2023 for a more considered and extensive roll out in 2024? Commitment? Collaboration? Logistics? Some funding?

    And, although I can imagine a national political convention can be a bit of a “sh*tshow” in terms of logistics, security and the sheer number of conventioneers, I wonder what Historic Milwaukee and Open Doors could muster in testing broader offerings than it’s already wonderful menu of offerings…

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