Gableman Probe Tracks Personal Backgrounds of Election Workers
Woman with “weird nose ring” who “loves nature and snakes” likely a Democrat, review suggests.

Former conservative Wisconsin Supreme Court justice Michael Gableman. Screenshot from Wisconsin Office of Special Counsel YouTube
The former Wisconsin Supreme Court justice conducting a partisan review of the 2020 presidential election is digging into the personal backgrounds of city and election workers in an attempt to guess their partisan leanings and making assumptions based on their appearance and interests, according to documents he recently released.
An unsigned memo titled “cross pollinators” lists a number of employees for the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC), the city of Milwaukee and national voting rights groups.
The section states that the analyst’s social media pages are “clean” of “rampant partisanship” but because she has a “weird nose ring,” “loves nature and snakes” and is unmarried but owns a home with her boyfriend, she’s likely a Democrat.
The section lists her GIS work with groups that were working with the city of Milwaukee and Milwaukee County to help administer the 2020 election as being potentially suspicious. Local governments frequently use GIS systems to map information such as property sales.
The memo also lists other local officials whose names are misspelled, including Madison City Clerk Maribeth Witzel-Behl, misspelled as “Wetzel,” and Green Bay City Clerk Celestine Jeffreys, misspelled as “Jeffries.”
This is not the first time Gableman has used personal appearances to make judgements about the subjects of his review. Earlier this month, in an interview with a radio station, Gableman disparaged the clothing choices of WEC Administrator Meagan Wolfe, saying “black dress, white pearls, I’ve seen the act, I’ve seen the show.”
Gableman docs use personal attributes to ascertain apparent partisan leaning of election workers was originally published by the Wisconsin Examiner.
What’s next from this fascist? Loyalty oaths? Come on, Josh Kabul, shut this fool down.
We are just one step away from true fascism. Oddly, it is the Republicans who are wishing to track and control citizens. You would think they’d be “hands off”. Guess those Republicans are all dead and gone, leaving behind mean-spirited people.
How this lunatic got elected to the state supreme court is a mystery to me. Everyone who voted for him should be ashamed.
How in god’s name did he ever even rise to the position of judge? Much less pass the bar in the first place!
Kaul where the hell are you?
Is there any other legal way to shut this guy down??? Lawsuit? How can Vos look at himself in the mirror? Power and money must mean a ton more than integrity, honesty and decency.
Everyone involved in this profoundly ugly and demeaning debacle should be ashamed!
Meanwhile, the US government is trying to overthrow Putin and install our fascist, ugly, shameful, mean-spirited form of “democracy” in Russia…
To NieWiederKrieg: yawn
Gabelman and the word probe don’t go over very well.
Gableman bought his circuit court seat from Scott McCallum. He illegally used the DA’s office where he worked to raise money for McCallum. Then he ran a racist campaign full of lies against a sitting justice and eeked out 51% of the vote. In the end, he was so bad that even trump would not hire him. I’d love to see the background report they did on Gableman before trump told him to take a hike. Most retired justices are made partners at big law firms. Gableman couldn’t even find a job as a debt collector. Then came creepy Vos and here we are.