Wisconsin Examiner

Pocan Accuses Johnson of Homophobia

Congressman assails senator for opposing brother’s nomination to federal court, past comments on gays.

By , Wisconsin Examiner - Mar 15th, 2022 10:59 am
Rep. Mark Pocan and Sen. Ron Johnson

Rep. Mark Pocan and Sen. Ron Johnson

U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan, a Democrat, accused Republican Sen. Ron Johnson of being homophobic after Johnson blocked Pocan’s brother’s nomination to a federal court seat in Green Bay.

Both Pocan and his brother, Milwaukee County Circuit Court Judge William Pocan, are gay. In February, Johnson refused to allow William’s nomination to a U.S. District Court seat to move forward in the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Mark Pocan said in a tweet that he’d spent more than a week trying to get Johnson on the phone to discuss William’s stalled nomination and federal funding for a UW-Madison research facility.

“I just don’t understand why a US Senator wouldn’t return a call from a Member of Congress from his own state — unless it’s because of the increasingly homophobic behavior of [Ron Johnson],” Pocan tweeted. “It’s been a week and the courtesy of a callback has still not happened.”

In a statement to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Johnson’s office denied the charge of homophobia.

“Any charge or accusation that somehow this is motivated for other reasons than what has been previously stated is a completely false personal attack,” the statement said. “The Senator has always treated the Congressman with respect. Unfortunately, that respect has not been reciprocated as evidenced by a long string of vile social media attacks against the Senator that the Congressman has posted over the last year. The Senator simply does not wish to interact with a person that spreads such malicious poison over a public forum.”

In an interview with the Journal Sentinel, Pocan pointed to Johnson’s previous opposition to gay marriage, his 2013 vote against the Employment Non-Discrimination Act and comments last year saying AIDS was “overhyped” by infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Recommendations for open federal court seats in Wisconsin come from the bipartisan Wisconsin Federal Nominating Commission. In June, Johnson and Democratic Sen. Tammy Baldwin recommended William Pocan and three other judges to fill a vacancy in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin.

On the night before Pocan’s confirmation hearing, Johnson withdrew his support for Pocan — effectively killing the nomination because the Senate Judiciary Committee and its chair, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), honor a precedent that allows senators to have a say in judicial nominees in their own state.

Johnson’s office has said he pulled support because of concerns that Pocan doesn’t have enough ties to the Green Bay area to properly fill the role and previous decisions Pocan has made on defendants’ bail.

Johnson’s office highlighted a 2015 case in which William Pocan sided with a prosecutor and increased a defendant’s bail to $5,000. Johnson’s office said this amount was too low.

Wisconsin Republicans have been pushing in recent months to make the state’s bail laws stricter following the Waukesha Christmas parade tragedy in which a man out on a $1,000 bail drove through a crowd.

Rep. Pocan accuses Sen. Johnson of homophobia over brother’s stalled federal court nomination was originally published by the Wisconsin Examiner.

4 thoughts on “Pocan Accuses Johnson of Homophobia”

  1. NieWiederKrieg says:

    Mark Pocan just discovered what everyone’s known for the past 11 years. Ron Johnson never answers his phone unless it’s a call from one of his political donors.

    There’s nothing homophobic about it. Duh…

  2. MrTea says:

    Johnson is a racist a homophobe and a white supremacist. Is this the man Wisconsin wants representing our state? I would hope not! His bad behaviors and constant lies are disgusting. He should not be in any position in government or power. He cares nothing for people or democracy just his and his pals power and money. He is a Wisconsin oligarch the worst kind and has abused his power. He will lie to your face and enrich himself at all our expense.
    Wake up Wisconsin let the brave men and women and sadly children in Ukraine be your guide. They are sacrificing themselves for true democracy not the Fox News Trump craven politicians brand of Autocracy men like Johnson and Trump are working so hard to create here in Wisconsin and the nation. Time for real change here in Wisconsin its time to get racist homophobe Johnson out of office and elect a true democrat who will work for all of the people in Wisconsin not just the richest white people in the state. Someone who will protect our constitution and our democracy and not work for men like Trump who would destroy democracy for their own gain!
    Time Johnson is removed and we can start to restore Wisconsin from the GOP strangle hold that is harming everyone but the very richest in our state. Johnson has a dreadful record and those in Wisconsin who are working men and woman who think Johnson is working for them are deceived sadly he could care less about your needs he only has helped himself and the very rich. We all need to turn the page and work together for a better democracy. We have to work together as we see Ukrainians bleeding daily to save their freedoms and their democracy and the price they are paying is horrifying Men like Johnson and the other GOP politicians in Wisconsin work daily to see your freedoms gone they prefer autocracy Putin style! Men like Johnson should terrify you he needs to go or we will never see this state thrive and grow. He is extreme and his dealing with both Pocans is just one small awful example of his dreadful behavior.

  3. Ryan Cotic says:

    Pocan has really embarassed himself with this. In typical swamp fashion when a person does not get what they want based on opposing viewpoints throw a personal unsubstantiated claim of sexism, racism, homophobia, attack out there. Very sad to see Pocan stoop to this childish level. He should apologize to Johnson and the citizens of this state because there is no need for division among us.

  4. GodzillakingMKE says:

    Rojo is a traitor and anyone defending him is not far behind.

    Republicans as far as I know are actually attacking Biden and attacking him and blaming him for Putins invasion of Ukraine while Trump kisses Putins butt, commrade Tucker doing his best to support Russia, while Rojo went to Russia with 8 others communist Republicans to Russia to pose to be used as props.

    Meanwhile in this state the Thugs are trying to overturn the election, make voting harder, and have a court bought by WMC.

    Rightwingers, conservatives, Trump cultists saying there’s no need for division is unbelievable.

    You guys have zero credibility, with anything you say or do. You believe in nothing but power and punishing the weak.

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