GOP Bills Ban Customer Vaccine Requirements
State legislature considering bills that prohibit businesses requiring vaccination.

COVID-19 vaccine. (Pixabay License).
Multiple bills working their way through the Wisconsin state Legislature would ban businesses from requiring customers to have COVID-19 vaccinations. Opponents of the legislation in the Senate Committee on Health Wednesday pushed back against claims that such mandates amount to discrimination.
Discussion on the bills comes as Wisconsin continues to experience heightened rates of COVID-19 transmission as the omicron variant spreads. As of Tuesday, the state’s seven-day positivity rate was above 27 percent.
Wednesday’s Senate Committee on Health included at least four different Republican-sponsored bills disallowing business vaccine mandates. The Wisconsin bills are part of a nationwide trend of state legislature bills that would nullify vaccine mandates.
State Sen. Mary Felzkowski, R-Irma, speaking on Assembly Bill 299, which prohibits vaccination proof requirements, defended the bill as protecting people’s personal freedoms while calling the various vaccines available an “experimental drug.” That bill passed out of the Assembly in June of last year.
Reuters, in a fact check last year, found that claims about the vaccines being experimental were not true. All COVID-19 vaccines currently available in the United States have also been approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration.
Dozens of citizens came to the state Capitol to voice their support for the measures. Many said they were being discriminated against in their lives because of their decision to not receive the COVID-19 vaccines.
“If a person chooses not to receive a vaccine, especially one that is still in very young development, because they are not comfortable or cannot for health reasons, they should not be forced to do so to access basic life activities,” Felzkowski said.
State Sen. Tim Carpenter, D-Milwaukee, said he disagrees with claims that vaccine mandates constitute discrimination.
“Making a choice of having a vaccine or not having a vaccine is not equal to discrimination based on a person’s color of their skin, their national origin, things of that nature,” said Carpenter.
At the federal level, the Biden administration’s vaccine-or-test mandate for businesses has been stalled while the U.S. Supreme Court hears arguments on its legality. A decision is expected soon.
The state bills are unlikely to become law. Gov. Tony Evers is likely to veto the legislation if it reaches his desk.
Listen to the WPR link here.
Republican-backed bills in Wisconsin Legislature would ban vaccine mandates was originally published by Wisconsin Public Radio
What about “natural immunity”? Those of us who contracted chicken pox, measles, and COVID now have natural immunity. That’s the way it’s been for thousands of years on this planet.
Diseased Republicans spreading the plauge.
“Natural immunity” (arising from a prior infection) may not mean much for covid. There are LOTS of documented cases where somebody has contracted covid two or more times. You won’t see that with measles or smallpox.
For some diseases (like polio and measles) immunity seems to be real and lifetime, but for others (like covid) it seems to fade away after a while.
Also, note that chicken pox and polio viruses NEVER leave your body and often re-appear decades later as “shingles” or “post-polio syndrome”. The $64,000 question is whether covid virus will linger in your body for decades, too.
@Godzilla – Diseased Democrats also spread the plague.
@Transit – Vaccinated and unvaccinated people spread COVID. Only one way to end COVID and that is a mask mandate. Everything else is folly, a waste of time, and a gigantic waste of money.
P.S. I never voted for a Republican during my 67 years of life.
There’s no pretense of science, public health, or public safety in this bill. Not only do we need more STEM professionals in general, we need more STEM people in legislatures (not sure if there are any now). I’m tired of pollical hacks making policies in fields such as medicine and engineering that are over their heads.
Looks like that “thousands of years” of “natural immunity” doesn’t apply to Glenn Beck:
@joerossm – Looks like “being fully vaccinated and protected from COVID” didn’t apply to Colin Powell.