Johnson Pushes Legislators to Take Over Federal Elections
Including U.S. Senator race. He has 'lost confidence' in state elections agency.

Ron Johnson. Photo by Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America / Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0)
Wisconsin U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson continued to push on Tuesday for state lawmakers to take over control of federal elections in Wisconsin amid heightened GOP criticism of the bipartisan state elections agency.
Speaking on WPR’s “The Morning Show,” Johnson said he has “completely lost confidence in the Wisconsin Elections Commission” following a nonpartisan report on how the 2020 election was run in Wisconsin. He pointed out the U.S. Constitution gives state legislatures the power to set the “times, places and manner” of federal elections.
The nonpartisan election report, released late last month, found no widespread voter fraud or wrongdoing that would have changed the outcome of the 2020 election. However, it made dozens of recommendations for updating Elections Commission policies and state laws related to elections and outlined some ways the elections commission didn’t follow some state laws in 2020. Several of the outlined transgressions stemmed from commission guidance to local election officials during the COVID-19 pandemic. Those included:
- Guidance to local election officials that the officials may adjourn before completing the counting of ballots on election night “as a result of unforeseen circumstances.” State law makes no such allowance.
- Guidance that local election officials may move polling places under certain circumstances. State law makes no such allowance.
- Guidance that local election officials should not send special voting deputies into nursing homes and care facilities because of the COVID-19 pandemic, which conflicts with state law.
The Elections Commission has acknowledged there is room for improvement in how it runs future elections, but has also defended its 2020 actions. State GOP leaders have issued sharp criticism of the agency, including calls for its administrator to resign.
Johnson’s push for legislative takeover of federal elections was first reported about two weeks ago by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Since then, Republican state legislative leaders have expressed doubts that such a thing is possible and have said they “haven’t studied” the possibility.
During Tuesday morning’s interview, Johnson said he hopes that sort of confusing split doesn’t happen.
“I think that would be a very tragic result,” he said. “I would imagine some counties would follow the state Legislature’s guidance, which is what I believe they should do, and some might follow what (the elections commission) says.”
But Johnson argued some change needs to happen to restore public faith in elections.
“This is an unsustainable state of affairs where, at the end of the 2016 election, half of the country didn’t view that election as a legitimate result and here in 2020 the other half is saying this is not legitimate,” he said.
Johnson has previously said there was “nothing obviously skewed” about the 2020 election results and that Joe Biden won the election.
“It does seem the Democrats want to make it easier to cheat the elections,” he said. “They keep pushing the boundaries of what’s allowable.”
There are two ongoing, GOP-backed investigations into Wisconsin’s 2020 election. One investigation, spearheaded by Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, R-Rochester, is being run by a former conservative state Supreme Court justice. The other was launched by the state Senate. They come after previous required state audits, a partial recount, the nonpartisan election report and numerous lawsuits failed to uncover any evidence of widespread fraud or wrongdoing in the election.
Biden won Wisconsin by about 21,000 votes — a margin similar to several other razor-thin statewide elections in recent years.
US Sen. Ron Johnson continues to push state lawmakers to take over federal elections in Wisconsin was originally published by Wisconsin Public Radio.
Evil awoke.
The 2016 Democratic Primary was rigged by Hillary and the DNC in order to defeat Bernie Sanders… (Please read Hillary’s leaked emails on Wikileaks).
The 2020 Democratic Primary was rigged by Tom Perez and the DNC… The DNC rigged the Iowa caucus for Pete Buttegieg in order to defeat Bernie Sanders.. Tom Perez stopped the Iowa caucus recount when the recount total started to shift toward Bernie Sanders… (If you believe Iowa Democrats chose Buttegieg, you don’t deserve the right to vote.)
We all held our noses when we voted for Biden and Harris…
The 2024 Democratic Primary will be rigged by the DNC, once again…
Wisconsin elections are already rigged for Republicans. This will allow them total control to pick candidates to win.
ROJO wants it rigged so he will win.
Republicans are nazis.
So RonJon believes the Democrats lack integrity when it comes to elections. He seems ecstatic to fuel more conspiracy nonsense. He is highlighting a critical political axem: if you are standing knee deep in feces, it’s best to blame your opponent.
It is truly sad what this country is turning into. I truly fear for my Grandchildren who are going to have to grow up in this environment. There are no longer any morals, decency, or respect, even for our greatest institutions. It is sad what we have come to accept as “normal”. Democrats and Republicans are guilty. It is truly disheartening….
#5. Not having it. While Democrats might fart at the supper table, RepubliCons will slit your neck and s4it down your throat. Big difference.
I agree. Republicans are totalitarian in intent. There’s zero attempt to even hide it anymore.
Conservatives are regressive.