Vos Kisses Trump’s Ring
Humbling himself to placate right-wing zealots calling for Assembly Speaker's head.

Speaker Robin Vos flies with former President Donald Trump to talk election audit on 8/21/21 | Vos official Facebook
In a disgusting display of cowardice and obsequiousness, Speaker Robin Vos felt it necessary to bow down to Donald Trump and to kiss his ring (or somewhere south of that).
This is the same Robin Vos whom Trump had slammed back in June as a liar and a fake leader who was “working hard to cover up election corruption.” Trump warned that Vos would be “quickly run out of office” if he didn’t order a “full forensic audit.”
Vos dutifully told Trump that he’s doing what the boss told him to do, and he bragged about the work that former Wisconsin Supreme Justice and rightwinger Michael Gableman is doing as special counsel on Vos’s fishing expedition. (Back in November, Gableman claimed that “bureaucrats” stole the election from Trump in Wisconsin.)
I realize that Vos is under political pressure from his right flank. At a rally in Madison a couple weeks ago — where Rep. Janel Brandtjen, who heads the Assembly Elections Committee (and was put there by Vos), and former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke spoke – at least one demonstrator held a sign, “Vote Vos Out!” And Clarke led the crowd in a lusty chant of “Vos has got to go.”
But rather than stand up to the name-calling and the nonsense and the truly toxic wave that threatens our democracy and our fundamental freedom to vote, Vos has rolled over, time and time again, to try to placate the crazies to his right.
His supplicant’s visit to the demagogue in chief is but the latest and sorriest example showing us all that Speaker Vos not only has no principles, but also has no pride.
It was an honor to be invited to travel by private plane with Pres. Trump to attend his rally in Alabama. I provided him details about our robust efforts to restore full integrity & trust in elections, including our top-to-bottom investigation by Justice Michael Gableman. pic.twitter.com/elIXTR0pju
— Speaker Robin Vos (@SpeakerVos) August 23, 2021
In Robin Vos’ words, via his official Facebook account:
“This past weekend, it was an honor to be invited to travel by private plane with President Trump and top staff to attend his rally in Alabama. I provided him details about our robust efforts in Wisconsin to restore full integrity and trust in elections.
“I explained to President Trump about the current forensic audit we are performing and told him we will do whatever it takes to help Justice Gableman also uncover reports of systematic fraud.
“I very much enjoyed the chance to get to know President Trump on a personal level. After seeing the fiasco this past week in Afghanistan, does anyone disagree that President Trump would have never let this embarrassment happen?”
Vos kisses Trump’s ring was originally published by the Wisconsin Examiner.
Matt Rothschild is the executive director of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign.
Vos is disgusting.