Sen. Carpenter Blasts DNR Over Wolf Hunt Plans
The Department of Natural Resources is planning a fall 2021 wolf harvest.

Gray wolf. Photo by Derek Bakken / (CC BY)
A decision by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to carry out another wolf hunt this fall drew immediate backlash from elected officials. Sen. Tim Carpenter (D-Milwaukee) blasted the DNR’s move, highlighting the prior hunt in February as “the result of a last minute court order,” as well as “poorly planned” and void of adequate regulations and monitoring.
“There were more than 218 gray wolves killed in the abbreviated 3-day season,” said Carpenter in a release. “The court decision allowed for the total killing of 119 wolves, with another 81 reserved for Native American tribes. We all know that in just those three days, the total reported number of wolves killed was 83% greater than allowed. It was clear the Department did not have adequate plans in place earlier this year, won’t have rules ready until 2022, and now we’re going to do the same thing?”
The quota the DNR set was exceeded in all of the established hunting zones, even though the Ojibwi Tribes chose not to hunt their allocated portion of 81 wolves. In April, Republican members of the Joint Finance Committee grilled DNR Secretary Preston Cole for standing in the way of the constitutional rights of hunters. Cole countered that the DNR wasn’t given enough time to consult with the tribes, as well as take other steps prior to a hunt. The total quota of 200 wolves set by the DNR accounted for about 16% of the wolf population in Wisconsin.
Research conducted by independent scientists also suggests that the number of wolves killed may be much higher than the DNR has estimated. The study by UW-Madison researchers suggests that the wolf population experienced a 27-33% decline, countering the state’s assertions that there was no change in the population size. The study also stated that the hunting quota was exceeded by 83% by hunters. The DNR, however, has rejected the study’s findings and criticized the methods it used.
Now, according to the department’s website, “the DNR is preparing for a fall 2021 wolf harvest through a transparent and science-based process.” Applications for the season were accepted March 1-Aug. 1, with $10 for an application fee. During the last season, the DNR received over 27,000 applications while only 2,380 were available. “The DNR has convened a 2021 Wolf Harvest Advisory Committee to provide input on the management objectives and harvest quota for the fall season. The committee will consider the current management plan, state statute and the February 2021 season report in providing input to the department. In addition, the DNR will coordinate without Tribal partners and will seek further public input on harvest objectives.” The new quota for the fall season is 130 animals.
“While I understand that there are farmers and ranchers in our state that have had legitimate concerns with their herds and the losses caused by wolves,” said Carpenter, “they have always had the ability to protect their livestock. What occurred earlier this year and seems likely in the November season, is the wanton killing of incredible animals that have special meaning to many of our citizens. I think it’s an important question to ask the Department. Why are we doing this so soon again and without adequate rules in place?”
Sen. Carpenter blasts DNR for fall wolf hunt plans was originally published by the Wisconsin Examiner.
Where is Josh Kaul, our fearless Savior from Wisconsin Democratic Party that we elected to fight these right wing gun freaks and animal abusers?
Josh Kaul is turning out to be a Joe Lieberman Democrat who spends all his time kissing Republican rear ends. I won’t vote for him again.
NieWiederKrieg, what do you want the AG to do? Find some obscure law to sue over that says Feds can’t decide what is and isn’t endangered? Prosecute another state’s hunting group for bugging Wisconsin? This was and continues to be a legislative issue and if rural Wisconsinites don’t care about their environment there’s not a whole lot us city-folk can do about it.
@czirbe – Thanks for your reply.
We want Josh Kaul to remove Fred Prehn from Wisconsin’s “Natural Resources Board”. His term expired on May 1, 2021. Prehn refuses to leave. Prehn was appointed by Scott Walker. Prehn represents the pro-gun, pro-hunting, right wing, psychopaths that opened Wisconsin wildlife sanctuaries, county parks, and hiking/biking trails for hunting. Prehn refuses to step down because he supports wolf hunting in Wisconsin.
I repeat… We want Josh Kaul to remove Fred Prehn because he’s the reason why psycho gun freaks from all over America are coming to Wisconsin to kill wolves and every other form of wildlife. Prehn’s 6 year term has expired.
Please read the attached articles about Josh Kaul and Fred Prehn.
“In April, Republican members of the Joint Finance Committee grilled DNR Secretary Preston Cole for standing in the way of the constitutional rights of hunters.”
That line is the problem. There should not be a constitutional right to slaughter animals.