State’s Traffic Fatalities Rising
Majority of deaths tied to risky behavior.

Members of the Milwaukee Fire Department respond to a multi-vehicle crash on N. Sherman Blvd. File photo by Jeramey Jannene.
While road traffic has fallen in 2020 because of the coronavirus, the number of deaths on Wisconsin roads is on the rise.
Figures compiled by the state Department of Transportation show that as of Sunday, 534 people had been killed on roads and highways so far this year. That figure surpasses the 502 deaths the state reached by the same time in 2019.
DOT Secretary Craig Thompson said there’s evidence the state is seeing more instances of drivers engaging in risky behavior.
“Our Division of State Patrol handled traffic violations where we gave out tickets for people going 100 miles per hour or higher, 500 of those last year,” he said. “So far this year — and it’s not done yet, we’re in November — they’ve issued 1,137 for people driving over 100 miles per hour.”
The state has also seen a decline in seat belt use and concerning levels of impaired and distracted driving.
“Sixty-one percent of these fatalities we can attribute to one of the four risky behaviors: either speeding; not wearing a seat belt; driving impaired; or distracted driving,” Thompson said.
Wisconsin Traffic Fatalities Rise, Even As Road Traffic Declines was originally published by Wisconsin Public Radio.
People are driving worse than ever. It’s as if the pandemic gave them permission to do whatever they want on the road. I am not a slow driver, but people regularly pass me going 10, 20, 30 miles an hour faster than I am. They never use signals. they run red lights — something’s two and three cars at a time on the same red. They don’t even like using their brakes. You really have to drive defensively and even then you are not safe. Because, look to your right, here comes some idiot driving in the emergency lane!!