Tis the Season for Crafts Workshops
Hone your skills, meet a friend, create some holiday ornaments or gifts.

Elizabeth Owen, Kate Slaasted, Jennifer Elster and Ann Kotze. Photo courtesy of Rec Room Craft Company.
Craft workshops offer a respite from the pressures of daily life, and the opportunities to hone artistic skills, meet new friends, and create one-of-a-kind gifts for friends and loved ones, as well as funky home decor. And just in time for the holidays, there are a number workshops being offered in the Milwaukee area:
1. Mosaic Class
Where: The Farmhouse Paint Bar & Banquet Hall, 4511 S. 6th St.
When: November 25, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Make a mosaic gift in a variety of designs, from holiday to flowers and sports. Admission is $35 and includes materials. Coffee drinks and alcoholic beverages can be purchased. Visit https://farmhousepaintandsip.com/ for tickets and more details.
2. Paper Ornament Workshop
When: December 1, noon to 4 p.m.
Where: The Pabst Mansion, 2000 W. Wisconsin Ave.
Give your home some retro cheer with vintage paper ornaments, and experience the Pabst Mansion in all of its holiday splendor. Registration for the workshop is not required, and the workshop is free with admission to the Pabst Mansion. Visit https://www.pabstmansion.com/ for ticket prices and more information.
3. Holiday Craft Workshop
When: December 14, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Where: Martin Luther King Library Community Room, 310 W. Locust St.
Make a few festive and special gifts during this free, all-ages craft workshop. Visit www.mpl.org for more information.
4. Holiday Wreath Workshops—Fresh and Retro
Where: Rec Room Craft Company, 219 S. 2nd St.
When: December 8, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Choose between creating and designing a classic wreath with a bit of Scandinavian flair ($55 plus tax) and a 1960s-style wreath made out of bright and shiny tinsel and ornaments ($45 plus tax). Materials and instructions will be included. Visit https://www.recroomcraftco.com/holiday-wreath-workshop-details for more information.
5. Needle Felted Ornaments
Where: KitscheCoo Unique Gifts and Classes, 5640 Parking St., Greendale
When: December 13, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Make three adorable fuzzy needle-felted ornaments with naturally-dyed Happy Sheep’s Wool. The workshop costs $20 per person and supplies are included. Pre-registration for the workshop is required and can be done in person or online at www.kitschecoo.com .
Art Events and Exhibit Openings
Tuesday, 1:30 p.m.:
Nikki Otten, associate curator of prints and drawings, will discuss the exhibition Experimental Ink: Nineteenth-Century French Prints from the Hockerman Collection during a gallery talk held in the Milwaukee Art Museum’s European Art Galleries, Level 2. The exhibition consists of 25 prints from a larger collection that area collector Ethel K. Hockerman and her charitable trust donated to the MAM over a 30-year period. The gallery talk is free for members and free with museum admission.
John Wilde-100, an exhibit highlighting the centennial of the birth of renowned Wisconsin artist John Wilde and featuring his drawings and paintings from 1940 through 2005, opens today at the Tory Folliard Gallery.
Saturday, 11 a.m.:
The Milwaukee Repertory Theater’s carolers, dressed in Victorian-era costumes, will perform timeless holiday songs from the Rep’s production “A Christmas Carol.” The free concert will be in Windover Hall.
Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.:
People and their canine pals can enjoy an afternoon of exploring Lynden Sculpture Garden grounds during Dog Days at Lynden, a monthly program. Visit https://www.lyndensculpturegarden.org/calendar for more information.
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