I Choose Leah
First Lady Tonette Walker endorses Leah Vukmir for U.S. Senator
I believe that conservative women have a responsibility to stand up and lead, and Leah Vukmir has proven she will do that and more for Wisconsin.
When Scott first became county executive, Leah, a pediatric nurse practitioner and mother of two, ran for his Assembly seat and won. Then, when Republicans needed someone to help gain the majority in the State Senate, Leah gave up her seat to run for that, and she won again.
When Leah was given the opportunity to create positive change for her family and families across the state, she didn’t just talk. She never questioned whether there were limits to what she could do because she was a woman. Instead, she stepped into public life and accepted all the challenges that come with being a female in politics.
In 2011, when Scott proposed the historic Act 10 reforms, Leah knew what he was doing was critical for the future of Wisconsin. Because of our determination to put Wisconsin on a solid fiscal path, we faced a massive backlash – even death threats. We knew our lives in politics would come with their ups and downs, but the rage and venom we received reached unprecedented levels. Still, Leah stood with us and did not back down.
Fearlessly, Leah pushed forward helping to lower property taxes, expand opportunities for education and ensure our state is open for business. But now she’s on another mission — to take the Wisconsin Way of hard work, bold ideas, and never giving up to Washington.
When a Republican woman stands for our Wisconsin principles, votes the right way and is ready to shake things up for America, it is our duty to support her. We can’t just say we want more representatives who get results; we have to actively support the ladies who fight to make a real difference. That’s why I choose Leah.
It’s time to take Leah’s heart, conservative ideals, tireless work ethic, and proven success to Washington. Please join me in supporting Leah Vukmir as she takes the courageous step toward serving Wisconsin as our next U.S. Senator.
Tonette Walker is the first lady of Wisconsin.
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Out-of-touch upper middle class suburbanite writes piece praising out-of-touch upper middle class suburbanite. Vukmir is a terrible candidate. Note how this garbage op-ed doesn’t even touch on any of her issues, because she has none that the public would actually support. Why is this even on here? It’s a campaign ad, it’s not even journalism.
MitchellB, is on the mark. This is a campaign ad. The piece is factually wrong.
Fact check your remarks.
This should not surprise anyone.
Wonderful to be in a political party that supports and recognizes strong, capable women for higher office. Congratulations for Leah for such a great endorsement!
Does anyone care what Tonette has to say? Please take your right wing ideological bs elsewhere.
Leah is starting to sell the same kool-aid Trump is. Tough to see proud people back the Republicans these days.
More conservative identity politics. She is only endorsing Leah because she’s a woman.
Yuck! No more far right wing crazies please Wisconsin.
Vukmir believes women who are the victims of rape and incest should be forced by the State to have their sick incestuous rapist’s babies. Tonette’s husband Career Politician Scott Walker also believes this.
Hey Republicans, keep your “small limited government” off of women’s bodies!
Dump Walker 2018
The thought here might be that Scott would be a detriment to Vukimers campaign, so in comes the “silent” Walker. This is a very patriarchal and authoritarian family.
When will the Government Account Ability board give back the emails (under John Doe) they classified as “attack add material” between Leah Vukmir and her teenage daughter.
@Troll, probably when all of Walker’s aids get out of prison for their role in it.
Vukmir has introduced SB 54, which mandates revocation for any probationer * charged* ( not convicted)with a “ violent misdemeanor or felony.” These people will be locked up at great cost in our jails, causing serious diversion of funds from other necessary county needs, and ultimately, higher local taxes. This is self-styled fiscal conservative Vukmir.Who did she target with this bill? Milwaukee. Where is she getting her money? From private prison lobbies and the NRA. Vukmir is taking dark money to further hurt the citizens of this state. Don’t listen to the tone deaf walkers. And see Vukmir for who she is.
Why, of course she does… bless her little heart.
P.S. Why is this even “news”?
Walker’s endorsement is another of the many reasons not to vote for Vukmir.
Vukmir wants to raise our taxes, expand government and limit our personal freedoms.
Dump Vukmir 2018
Fortunately the audience for Leah’s craziness is limited and more people are finding out about it.
In light of what we have to withstand with Trump, I hope the GOP nominates Crazy Leah.
It is good to hear from Larraine McNamara-McGraw on this site. Her analysis of Leah is telling. Tonette’s endorsement of Vukmir is tepid at best. Tonette is infamous for making bad choices. Consider, for example, her choice for a husband.