State Won’t Meet Prison Rape Guidelines
Walker commission rejects improvements, kicks issue to long-range study.

Fox Lake Correction Institution. Photo by Kate Golden of the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism.
The State Building Commission chaired by Gov. Scott Walker rejected Department of Corrections recommendations meant to bring the state into compliance with Prison Rape Elimination Act guidelines, records show.
And the Republican Legislature went along.
DOC requested $9.4 million to replace Adams and Harris Halls at Taycheedah Correctional Institution. Both have numerous problems stemming in part from their age – they were opened in the early 1900s – and are at their population capacity or over.
In addition, according to DOC’s budget request, “Adams Hall also has a lack of cameras making it non-compliant with Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) guidelines.”
The commission also recommended the state entirely reject a $20 million request for the first phase of a housing unit replacement project at Fox Lake Correction Institution.
Citing a litany of problems with the existing units, DOC said in its budget request, “The layout of the older buildings has been problematic and each building requires two sergeants, where the newer buildings in the DOC system with this security level contain more beds and can be staffed with a single sergeant. Building layouts are not fully compliant with federal Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) guidelines.”
That request, too, was rejected. Again, the commission recommended a long-range facilities study.
The Legislature earmarked $600,000 for the study.
Walker Administration officials, in at least a public relations nod to the prison rape problem, said they disbanded the DOC internal investigative team that uncovered abuses at the state’s juvenile prisons so DOC could put more effort into preventing and investigating sexual assaults behind bars. Leaders of the internal team said their jobs were changed because they had done their jobs too well, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
Update October 27: Department of Corrections spokesman Tristan Cook contends this story is misleading because, he said, it misinterprets a statement in the department’s 2017-19 capital budget request.
The statement was a direct quote from the budget request: “Adams Hall also has a lack of cameras making it non-compliant with Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) guidelines.”
Cook said an audit based on a November 2015 site visit found the prison PREA-compliant.
No mention of the audit was included in the Taycheedah budget request.
The department’s budget request was not meant to bring the prison into PREA compliance, “but rather to build on our current compliance by examining ways that we can exceed standards and create an even safer environment for staff and inmates,” Cook wrote.
The Wisconsin Justice Initiative stands by its story.
Gretchen Schuldt writes a blog for Wisconsin Justice Initiative, whose mission is “To improve the quality of justice in Wisconsin by educating the public about legal issues and encouraging civic engagement in and debate about the judicial system and its operation.