Steven Austin
Celebrating our riders with new campaign: “Portraits of Bublr; Stories Told on Two Wheels.”
In a short period of time since Bublr Bikes began, we have met many folks who simply love our ride sharing service. Bublr has become more than just a fun recreative activity. Milwaukeeans are going to work and school, improving their health and becoming more independent by using bike share — all while enjoying the ride.
We at Bublr are celebrating our riders through a new campaign: “Portraits of Bublr; Stories Told on Two Wheels.” Through interviews and photo documentation, discover the people who embody the true spirit of Bublr Bikes.
Steven Austin
We were introduced to U.S. Army Veteran Steven Austin back in September of 2016. We visited his apartment complex just off of Brady Street where we spoke to residents about a grant-funded program through the Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee. The program offers low-cost annual memberships to all those living in public housing throughout Milwaukee.
Since late September, Steven has taken nearly 200 rides on Bublr Bikes. He says it keeps his BMI levels low and he enjoys riding around Milwaukee in the morning when the streets are quiet. Steven also attends school and takes many buses daily. But with the addition of Bublr he has been able to move around much quicker.
Do you want to share your own Bublr Portrait? Contact us:
Briefly describe who you are/ your neighborhood/ interest or occupation/your favorite thing about MKE/Why do you ride Bublr Bikes/How has Bublr Bikes impacted you or your community/ A favorite memory on Bublr/Do you have any tips for new riders?
Bublr Bikes
Portraits of Bublr
Portraits of Bublr — Pete Jurgeleit
Apr 27th, 2017 by Bublr Bikes
Emily Graham
Mar 30th, 2017 by Bublr Bikes