Ira Robins Makes Bid for Kovac Seat
Launches campaign by making shocking, though, unsupported allegations.
Ira Robins, an “Expert Consultant” with a knack for publicity who is best known for his advocacy of the late convicted murderer Lawrencia Bembenek announced Tuesday October 27th, that he plans to challenge incumbent Nik Kovac for the 3rd Aldermanic District seat.
It is certain to be an uphill battle for Robins, especially since he seems to have launched his campaign from a rather low place.
Without mentioning any names, Robins makes the following unsupported allegation in his four paragraph Home Page at
I am acutely aware that many Milwaukee business owners are afraid of certain Aldermen harassing them, using the police and various city inspection departments against them, demanding monetary compensation for licenses, and forcing businesses to close without just cause.
In his second paragraph on his “About” page he goes on to say:
I know some Aldermen manipulate the system for their own financial benefit to the detriment of the people.
A third paragraph — more of a footnote makes this interesting statement:
Full Disclosure: Taxes allegedly owed to Wisconsin Department of Revenue are presently under consideration for resolution.
I guess he is referring to these 2013 Tax Warrants filed in the circuit court of Waukesha County, where he lives: [2013TW000930, 2013TW000923].
Those judgments total $4,545.99, and are unpaid, as Robins claims. There is also the matter of an unpaid 15-year old Tax Warrant from 2000 [2000TW001730] in the amount of $8,092.06.
Other tax warrants dating to the 20th century include 1998TW000470
[$3,350.90] and a whopping $13,889.14 from [1998TW000469].
All unpaid.
He also owes $3,304.81 to lawyers from a 1996 case when he sued Bembenek.
Ran for Lieutenant Governor in 2012
Many of Robins’ financial problems were already in place in 2012 when he ran for Lieutenant Governor as a Democrat during the recall election of 2012. He placed third, with 21.4% of the vote.
Then as now, Robins touted his professional expertise. He runs “Ira Robins Expert Consulting Services.”
Like his campaign website, his professional website comes with an asterisk. In vivid red letters it reads:
Please Note: I am not a private detective, and I do not provide the services of a private detective. Click HERE for the Attorney General’s opinion concerning expert witnesses and private detective licensing. IraRobins, June 18, 2012
So what sort of Expert Consulting Services does Robins provide? This time, in blue type, Robins says:
I find people — long lost loves, heirs, witnesses, birth parents — and find important facts about people and businesses — criminal records, financial stability, and other factors to consider before entering into personal or business contracts.
As for his character, let there be no doubt:
I have substantial knowledge of the law and a unique perspective of right and wrong.
Why unique?
In the event Robins wins the election, he still faces a challenge. I asked Robins if he indeed lived in the 3rd District. His response:
Not at present. I am looking for a place to use as both a residence and an office. Thanks for asking. Regards.
Kovac on Sound Financial Footing
Ald. Kovac did not respond to a request for comment on the Robins candidacy, other than to say that he looks forward to reading this story. His most recent campaign filing shows him with over $69,000 in the bank.
Ira’s Announcement and Plan
Kovac Exposed
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So this guy makes a claim that Nik Kovac threatened Judge Mosely. What is that about? I’d be more interested in that then some side show candidate with unpaid taxes.
Michael – you left out the better of the two videos imo. In this one you have Ira Robins asking a series of questions (and thus never making any definitive statements) about Kovac’s confrontation with Judge Mosley! What is Nic trying to hide?!
@Michael. My doing. I added the first announcement video to the story and you’re right I should have added the other one too. I went ahead and added the second one too.
Thank you AG for pointing out the problems with Michael Horne’s article. If he were half the reporter he thinks he is wouldn’t he jump all over the comments I made about Kovac and want me to prove them. I can and they will be in the sworn affidavit of complaint I am writing and expect to file soon with the US Attorney and FBI in Washington, DC. Warm regards.
So a carpetbagging non-taxpaying criminal wants to become an Alderman? Would fit right in with the other criminals Donovan and Borkowski. Good thing he won’t win.
Dear Mr. Murphy,
I have read the November 2, 2015 article printed in Urban Milwaukee and written by Michael Horne. Congratulations, the personal information about me contained in that article could have been easily found by anyone with enough basic skill to search my name on the internet. But the intentional “slams” and comments that Horne makes about me are evidence that Urban Milwaukee is working in behalf of, or for, Nic Kovac. If Horne were any kind of credible reporter who wanted a great scoop for Urban Milwaukee he would have asked me to prove what I had alleged about the corruption within the Milwaukee Common Council. He did email me questions about my place of residence so why didn’t he ask me even one question about my allegations? If I couldn’t prove them he would have had a good story. And if I could prove them, and I assure you I can, he would have had a GREAT story. Please remember that I have never made even one statement that I couldn’t prove about government officials in the City and County of Milwaukee. And I have made many. And I always had the proof of what I had alleged. You, above anyone else, should know that.
Please govern yourself accordingly in the future.
Thank you very much.
Ira Robins
Out of curiosity, who are the many people that asked you to run for alderman? People always feign modesty by claiming they were reluctant to run but just couldn’t ignore all the people who pleaded with them to do so. Also, it’s a little hard to believe someone who is making their case in the comments section. I hope you’ll forgive the skepticism.
Dear Mr. Hanna, Thank you for your comments about my comment. I assure you that I am telling the truth about everything I stated. It might be difficult for you to believe what I wrote and that is understandable because we elect and pay these people. But just take a look at this article and my comment and you may probably begin to realize about how useless the media is in investigating and reporting about our government. Because Urban Milwaukee didn’t look into my allegations I believe that everyone has been deprived of the truth. This section is a good forum for open communication that the average citizen cannot obtain anyplace else. I would be honored if you would call me and I will gladly explain the specifics about my comments. Thank you very much. Warm regards. Ira 414-305-8832
I guess you missed this. Out of curiosity, who are the many people that asked you to run for alderman? People always feign modesty by claiming they were reluctant to run but just couldn’t ignore all the people who pleaded with them to do so.
I didn’t miss it. Is that the most important question you have? It seems as if you don’t care that some of your alderman are corrupt. Why didn’t you ask about those statements I made? Maybe you are shilling for them. But there are people who care and they asked me to run. Stay tuned. Thanks again. Regards. Ira
You sure are defensive and a little paranoid, hardly the qualities I’m looking for in an alderman. I ask because everyone always says tons of people are asking them to run, but they never offer specifics or details. Have other aldermen asked you to run? Or other city officials? Or a large number of Kovac’s constituents? I see validity in those questions, and it sure doesn’t seem to take much for you to fly off the handle.
You are incorrect. I did not fly of the handle. I gave you the opportunity to call me and I would have answered your questions. But, for some reason you didn’t. You appear to just want to make demeaning statements about me. Is it possible that you are a friend of Kovac’s? For you to resort to name calling is juvenile especially when you don’t even want to hear about the corruption I allege. The people who asked me to run are afraid of some of the aldermen and the repercussions they and their businesses would face at the hands of those alderman. And yes, other aldermen have asked me to run. FYI – I am in the process of writing an affidavit of complaint to the US Attorney and FBI in Washington, DC seeking federal intervention. The evidence is abundant. Also, I answer every communication I receive and I would appreciate it if you omit your nasty comments in the future. Thanks again. Regards. Ira
So let me guess the other criminals (Donovan and Borkowski) asked you to run. So three criminals in a pod! Lovely!
I have never met or communicated with Kovac in my life. I would appreciate it if you could stop accusing me of being his friend. Thank you.
Why are other alderman afraid of publicly supporting you? What exactly are they afraid of?
I look forward to you revealing the abundant corruption. I assume a federal investigation is a given considering the nature of the corruption you have proof of.
Thank you for your response. I am booked solid for the next few hours but I am available to communicate with you come more later today. My offer for you to call me is still available to you. 414-305-8832. Today between 2-4-pm would be fine. Also, say the word and I would be honored to meet you for a cup of coffee and we could talk face to face. Also, today I am making the formal announcement that I am running at Ms. Katie’s Diner, 1900 W. Clybourn, 5-7 pm. Why don’t you attend? Thanks again. Regards. Ira
Sincere question here: Why choose to make the announcement at a business outside of the district that you want to represent?
I ask the same of Chevy Johnson who is wanting to represent the 2nd district but made his announcement downtown.
Thank you for your comment. I was in Ms. KATIE’S Diner with some friends having lunch. The owner joined us as we were discussing our plans for the announcement. He and I have known each other some 30 years. One thing led to another and we just decided to have it there. I intend to have future gatherings within District #3. By the way, you are more than welcome to attend tonight. Come on by and say hello and see what I have to say. 7-9 pm. Warm regards.
Ira Robbins: Public Dick.
So 2 months and nothing yet. Who wants to bet he’s just blowing smoke? Going to get crushed by Kovac.