Coalition Battles Bike Funding Cuts
A coalition of environmental groups, business groups and others are lobbying legislators to change Walker's budget.

Pavement markings highlight conflict points where auto and bicycle traffic cross. Conflict is also ongoing in state Capitol.
The Bike Fed has been hard at work trying to restore what would be lost if Governor Scott Walker’s budget passes unchanged.
With your help we’re making progress. Thank you! Keep up the pressure. If you haven’t contacted your state senator and representative yet, please do that soon.
The next step will be public hearings in March. We’re still waiting for a hearing schedule and we’ll get that out to you as soon as we have it.
But we also want to let you know that we have friends. The Bike Fed is part of larger coalitions of groups who are helping make common cause on these issues.
On the fight to restore the Stewardship Fund, which has been key in building and improving two-dozen state trails around Wisconsin, we’re part of a coalition being led by the League of Conservation Voters and Gathering Waters, which is a group that represents land trusts. Land trusts are nonprofit organizations that help buy and preserve land for habitat protection and other public purposes. This is a strong coalition and we’re feeling optimistic about our chances for success.
On our issues in the transportation budget – repeal of Complete Streets and the elimination of all funding in the Transportation Alternatives Program – we’re working with two groups. One is the Move Wisconsin Alliance, a group made up of the Wisconsin Urban and Rural Transit Association, the Sierra Club, AARP, 1000 Friends of Wisconsin, and various faith groups.
As you might imagine one group that includes the Sierra Club and another that includes chambers of commerce might not always see eye-to-eye and we’re probably the only organization that is a member of both. But that’s how the Bike Fed views biking. We want to build a big tent of bicycling supporters. We see how these two groups can work together toward the same goals and, frankly, we don’t see how either can be successful without the other.
Together, all these groups are working hard to push back the governor’s negative provisions on biking.
This article was originally published by the Bicycle Federation of Wisconsin.
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How do you feel about this streetcar proposal for Milwaukee, from what I’ve read about what’s happening in Portland it seems that there are alot of bicycle accidents on the tracks