The Infamous After-Hours Party House
How a small,1928 bungalow became a kind of tavern without a license, and a noisy nuisance to neighbors.
How a small,1928 bungalow became a kind of tavern without a license, and a noisy nuisance to neighbors. Back to the full article.
Homes like this give the city a black eye and I hope the city can figure a way to address this without infringing on property rights.
Question: how did this address get pulled from the House Confidential Secrect Society’s algorythm?
FIRST OF ALL YOUR ACCOUNTS OF EVENTS THAT TRANSPIRED AT THE RESIDENCE CAN BE CONSIDERED SLANDEROUS AND DEFAMATORY. IF MR. MAyE HAS A GATHERING AT HIS HOME AND ADULTS THERE B ED COME UNRULY OR UNMANAGEABLE ALL HE CAN DO IS ASK THAT THEY LEAVE HIS HOME. THIS IS AN INVASION OF HIS PRIVACY CLEARLY so he can’t have a birthday party or backyard barbecue Ever? I HAVE KNOWN THE MAYES OVER 25 yEARS JONETHER IS GODMOTHER TO MY DAUGHTER. YOU NEVER TALK ABOUT HIS PHILANTHROPic efforts such as FEEDibg THE HOMELESS, VOLUNTEERING HIS TIME IN the COMMUNITY HOSTING CLEAN UP EVENTS Or TALENT SHOWCASES. I’m appalled by all of the malicious and vicious things being said about people I regard as good parents and human beings. He never committed a murder and is nor responsible for the voltage actions of others. My suggestion spend time seeking ought real criminals and less time on someone who is loved by many and enjoying his life