Mo Foy
"The more time I spend in Walker’s Point, the more I realize how many interesting people live and work in the city."
What is your job and what are your responsibilities?
I’m the Event and Pairing Bar Manager at Indulgence Chocolatiers. I just transitioned to this role – for the past six months, I was one of the chocolatiers. Now I work with the head chocolatier and owner in creating the pairing menus we feature at our Walker’s Point retail location. We pair our chocolates with wine, beer, and cheese, and it’s my job to guide you through the pairings so you receive the full experience. I also organize events we do outside our two retail locations. We often find ourselves pairing up with Great Lakes Distillery and Purple Door Ice cream, like when we recently co-hosted the Adult Ice Cream Social.
Was there a point where you decided this was the city you wanted to live in?
I have two degrees from MATC in Madison, in culinary arts and pastry. Although I loved the three years I spent there, I knew as soon as I graduated in 2012 I wanted to come back to Milwaukee. I’m originally from the Whitefish Bay, and I missed the city. The food scene in Milwaukee is the best of both worlds: not as small as Madison, where everyone has worked for everyone else, but isn’t so large that your talent may be overlooked, such as a bigger city like Chicago.
How would you rate Milwaukee as a place to socialize and play?
I’m a strong believer that Wisconsities, whether natives or people who move here, love to have a good time. No matter the weather, from insane humidity to a foot of snow overnight, you can find people out and about, enjoying everything this city has to offer. Growing up in the North Shore, I never truly appreciated the distinct personalities of each neighborhood. As an adult, I can’t imagine anyone growing bored of the city and all the places to explore. Walker’s Point, Bay View, and Riverwest are all neighborhoods with established bars and restaurants that are very appealing, especially to someone in the food industry. Of course, Milwaukee’s amazing festival scene is a huge draw, and the beauty of the Lakefront cannot be overlooked.
This city has such diverse offerings. The more time I spend in Walker’s Point, the more I realize how many interesting people live and work within the city limits. On 2nd Street alone you can find everything from a jazz club and tiki bar to hand crafted chocolates (come visit me at work!) and antique warehouses. If you’re new to the city, I really recommend checking out the different neighborhoods we have – don’t be afraid to walk into places you normally wouldn’t. Friendly Milwaukeeans will meet you at every turn!
What is your favorite Milwaukee building?
I don’t have one favorite, but two that I love are City Hall and the Grain Exchange. They both have beautiful architectural details, both inside and out. My sister, a true lover of all things Milwaukee, always teases me because I love to take the Lake home, which is mostly driven by my love of the homes on Lake Drive. They are one of my favorite things to look at.
Who is your favorite Milwaukee personality?
Bob Uecker, hands down. I couldn’t imagine hearing any other voice announcing the Brewers and I refuse to recognize that there will be a day where he won’t be cheering on the Racing Sausages or singing Roll Out the Barrel with the rest of the crowd.
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