The Cell Phones stand alone
Chicago-based rockers The Cell Phones, led by an epic frontwoman, are the ones really saving rock and roll.
Just last week I was moping about THE SAD STATE OF ROCK in 2013 (thus far) and then all of a sudden THE CELL PHONES from Chicago ILLINOISE toss this fan-fucking-tastic thang named Get You Alone out there for all the world to hear and single-handedly save everything. SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP, FALL OUT BOY.
Any woman who can rock an opener about her period and hilariously give it a title like “Heavy Flow” has my attention. Any woman who can totally nail the exhilaration and uncertainty of new relationships and then wail mercilessly on a brash chorus like “Work this body, crash this party to get you alone” has my adoration. I heard about The Cell Phones last summer after they played a show at the annual PRFBBQ bash in Chicago and regretted missing them. After hearing Get You Alone, I will not make the same mistake again.