To qualify as an American, see these movies (Part 2)
Mark Metcalf's 45-film American Filmology course: Start by earning your "High School Diploma" and graduate all the way to "Doctorate."
(Reader’s note: Depending on the speed of your Internet connection, the embedded trailers may take extra time to load. But they’ll be worth the wait.)
Taxi Driver (1976): When a man returns from war he may be a little twisted.
Up (2009): Pixar storytelling at its finest.
Duck Soup (1933) or any Marx Brothers movie: They bring it all the way from vaudeville.
Apocalypse Now (1979): The closest they’ll ever get to Vietnam and the way it felt.
My Man Godfrey (1936): The “forgotten man” wins the girl.
Sullivan’s Travels (1941): Hollywood will never understand, but Preston Sturges does.
Red River (1948): Montgomery Clift and John Wayne, son and father, with Joanne Dru, simply the best of the West. Howard Hawks could do it all.
Stand By Me (1986): So much was so simple and so perfect.
Seabiscuit (2003): Even a horse can be an underdog.
Rudy (1993): Or a little guy with heart and a borrowed jersey.
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964): Peter Sellars is everywhere, but George C. Scott is all you need.
Young Frankenstein (1974): “Walk this way.”
Taking Chance (2009): Honor the fallen, respect them with your lives, everyday.
She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1949): One of the John Ford cavalry trilogy. They’re all great.
To graduate to your Master’s, click here.
To visit the full list, start here with Part 1.
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