Sammy Rangel, Against Violent Extremism
Mark Metcalf talks with reformed gang member Sammy Rangel about his personal story and working with groups like SAFE Streets Outreach and Life After Hate.

Sammy Rangel (bottom right), works with many groups promoting peace, including Against Violent Extremism.
Sammy Rangel overcame an abusive upbringing, years of violent behavior and more than 15 years in juvenile and adult correctional facilities, and is now working against against violence in many different ways.
Rangel, a former gang member, has been the program coordinator for the SAFE Streets Outreach Program in Racine for a decade, wrote a book called Fourbears: The Myths of Forgiveness, and started the self-help group Formers Anonymous, which uses a modified version of the 12-Step Program to apply to former gang members and criminals looking for an opportunity for change and recovery.
Rangel is also involved with the group, Life After Hate, who’s founder Arno Michaelis has been on this podcast twice before. Like Michaelis, Rangel’s work takes courage and strength, and on this week’s podcast, we talked about his personal story, the good work he’s doing with the groups like the ones listed above along with Against Violent Extremism and The Forgiveness Project, and about how change comes not all at once, but in a “collection of moments.”
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“Backstage with Mark Metcalf,” a 2011 Milwaukee Press Club award-winner, is engineered and produced by Dan Shafer. For the full archive of these podcasts, check out TCD’s Podcasts page.
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