Mercy Housing is Planning a Walker’s Point Building
Mercy Housing Lakefront is proposing a five-story apartment building, which would be located at the Southeast corner of 1st St. and Pittsburgh Ave. in Walker’s Point. This 55 unit apartment building is intended to serve independent adults 55 and older with incomes ranging between 30% and 60% of the area median income. The units will be one and two-bedroom apartments, 31 of which will be one-bedroom units, with the remaining 24 as two-bedroom units. The units will have rents as low as $400 per month and high as $960 per month for a two bedroom.
If Mercy Housing Lakefront is successful in gaining tax credits for the project construction would begin in late summer or early fall 2011.
Korb Tredo can do much better than this design. Looks like pieces from the Eastside project cut and pasted on to a new site.
How about some attention to the street-level? It’s devoid of life even in the rendering. Imagine the real thing!
Very cool.
Exciting potential here, would be even better if they could get rid of the turn lane from 1st to Pitt. Would help define this intersection in an urban manner. I was dissapointed when they rebuilt it last year. I would liked to have seen a more urban design mindset anticipating future development for this sight… instead of just bowing to the almighty vehicle.
looks awesome. maybe adding some color
@Jeremy Hackbart Yes I would have loved for that turn lane to be removed (one lane was removed), but apparently DPW wouldn’t go for it….
Agreed Jeremy, that would have been great. Overall the rebuild of 1st and Pittsburgh was very disappointing. Many had worked hard to come up with a much greener design only to see it mostly ignored when shovels met pavement.
I like the added density and living units this project would provide.
@Chris Yeah what DPW implemented for the rebuild, just doesn’t match the plan… very unfortunate.
The right turn lane did get much smaller, however, it is a state highway (1st to Pittsburgh to Milwaukee) and a truck route, thus the apparent need to leave a bypass there.
@MilwaukeeD I heard about the truck traffic thing, as the reasoning, I was curious where this traffic is going