S. 2nd Street Redesign Concept is a Pretty GOOD One

S. 2nd Street After
Recently, with the encouragement and support of our readers, the help of graphic artist Kieran Sweeney, and the drive of Juli Kaufmann a conceptual idea for the redevelopment of S. 2nd Street, in Walker’s Point, was created and entered in to GOOD Magazine’s livable streets contest. Although it didn’t win, it did come in a strong second, validating the importance of a complete street redesign for S. 2nd Street. The need for improvement of S. 2nd Street is obvious as its current form leaves much to be desired, and although simply repaving the street would technically be an improvement, it wouldn’t change the image of the street. To successfully change the image requires changes to the physical infrastructure, and the organizing of business owners to facilitate the revitalization of the street.
Unfortunately, the idea may seem radical to traffic engineers who’s only concern is how fast can the traffic flow, or to politicians afraid to go to bat over funding, but for those who are actively working on creating a better urban environment that would support local business, it makes complete sense. Hopefully this idea can come in number one where it matters, within the Department of Public Works, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, and the Milwaukee Common Council.
dont forget to take those old buildings down and build something new and contemporary with a lot of glass in front.
@Alex ummmm no.
Alex’s comment was sarcasm, I believe.
Anyway, congratulations on a strong second. There were quite a few entries and they were all pretty cool so…second is awesome!
Ok, who’s email inbox at City Hall do we need to stuff with this idea?
Congrats! Now let’s get the JS to publish something…. I think people would benefit a lot by seeing this!
I loved this idea! I am so glad it was recognized and came in second place. Getting JS, Shepard Express, etc to publish something is a great idea. The image clearly shows how a few changes can have a great impact. Congrats Juli!
@Amy I think we may soon see some progress on other press picking up the story.
Calling all citizens: If you like the sorts of things we have been talking about for S. 2nd Street, now is the time to contact your political representatives and ask them to take leadership on this issue. While I would prefer that smart urban public policy would just flow naturally from those elected and hired to direct the future of our city, it is clear that leadership needs encouragement. Send the story to reporters too. Let’s keep momentum moving forward. These types of opportunities literally come once in lifetime, but have impact for generations. We can do this Milwaukee. Cheers!
I like the concept quite a bit but wonder if it’s not putting the cart before the horse. 2nd St has few businesses and even fewer residences. I bike down 2nd street to work 3x a week and see very little traffic (esp. south of National Ave) in the morning or at night. With all the other areas around town in need of street improvements, 2nd St is pretty far down the my list.
BTW, if you ask me “simply repaving” would be a HUGE improvement!
@colucci Is it cart before horse, or is it that our carts need a horse out in front? Or is this one of those chicken and egg things?
South Second Street is in dire need of help – I travel it and frequent the businesses on it daily. This seems like a no-brainer to me.