A Good Week
Is it possible that the Democrats have actually pulled off a flawless convention and nominated a terrific team that offers passion, experience, vision and conviction?
Each night seemed perfected choreographed to convey a particular message designed to unify the party and demonstrate to the nation that Barack Obama and Joe Biden are the right choice on Election Day in November.
And the news today that John McCain has chosen Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate, a social conservative, apparently to bolster his support among the party’s base who have little love for the former maverick, adds piquancy to the strength of the Democratic ticket.
The Ted Kennedy/Michelle Obama show on Monday, followed by Hillary’s terrific performance on Tuesday, and then Bill and Joe’s one-two punch on Wednesday were all impressive raising the stakes for the main event on Thursday.
He hit all the right notes, delivering a great speech with all the poetry his supporters have grown accustomed to while also providing plenty of specifics that his critics have charged he has glossed over. Never mind that his standard stump speech has always been chock full of policy specifics that have been essential to his appeal.
But most importantly, Obama took the fight directly to Sen. McCain, leaving no doubt that he is ready to take on the War Hero on the question of who has the ideas, the determination and the fortitude to deliver on the challenges facing our nation at this critical juncture.
Even the roll call had a dramatic, cathartic and even entertaining quality to it. When the Illinois delegation ceded its time to the New York crowd allowing Sen. Hillary Clinton to call on the convention to nominate Obama by acclamation, policy wonks everywhere were breathless.
Granted McCain deserves some credit for seizing the media’s attention by naming Palin, the little known, self-described former “hockey mom.” But after the buzz caused by the surprise announcement dies down independents and other undecided voters will most likely wonder why this choice should convince anyone that the nation’s future is best entrusted to this team.
Wow. Whatta week. I’m still kinda breathless.